Coastal Tropical Ecology Lab

 / Services / Laboratory Facilities / Coastal Tropical Ecology Lab


NCSCM has a dedicated ecology lab for performing research on coastal and marine ecology especially benthic communities and corals. The focal research areas in the benthic communities are taxonomic descriptions, environmental monitoring and assessment of macro and meiofauna along the coast, estuaries, mangroves, salt marshes, tidal flats and offshore. This lab also performs studies on relationship between various benthic organisms and their interactions with the physical environment. The laboratory is equipped with all the facilities to carry out monitoring of benthic communities and its response to various anthropogenic and natural stresses in the coastal and marine environment. The benthos lab also has a separate dedicated facility to store benthos samples (mainly sediments), for sample processing as well as repository for reference materials (including specimen and herbarium).

Analytical Capabilities:
  • Sediment processing facility (sieving and sorting) for benthic samples
  • Taxonomic study of meio, macro and mega floral and faunal benthic species
  • Anatomical study of invertebrates (Dissection facility)
  • Analysis of benthic chlorophyll
  • High resolution photo-documentation of macro organisms


  • Ecology and biodiversity of benthic community
  • Ecology and biodiversity of plankton community
  • Environmental impact and risk assessment
  • Effects of anthropogenic and climate change
  • Health status of ecosystems


Technical Manager

Dr. Abhilash, K.R.

Dr. Sankar R 


Inverted Microscope with Camera

Model: MC170HD

Used for segregation, identification and photo documentation of macro and meio organisms

 Grab Sampler

Model: Van-Veen Grab Sampler

To collect sediment samples from the sub tidal area of estuarine and coastal ecosystem

Sieve Plate

Make: Jayant
Model: Test Sieves
Mesh Size: 63 µm, 300 µm and 500 µm

To separate meio and macro samples from the sediments.

UV- VIS Spectrophotometer

Make: Agilent
Model: Cary 100

Estimation of water and benthic chlorophyll and other nutrients from sediment samples.

Pathological Microscope

Model: Ajay Optic
Model: CM/L-9010250

To study meio fauna samples.

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