The Conservation of Coastal and Marine Resources Division (CMR) will develop guideline strategies for conservation and long-term sustainable use of coastal and marine resources that encompass societal interests and the integrity of ecosystems.
The primary mandate of CMR would be to guide the use of the living and non living natural resources for diverse, and often conflicting, sectoral activities, so that the continued viability of all aspects of resource usage and ecosystem health can be secured. The important aspect is to Strategy the conservation of coastal and marine resources in ways that promote human wellbeing, for present and future generations. Key issues in the management of coastal resources include the loss of biodiversity and habitats through human-related pressures, and the impacts of biodiversity loss to coastal livelihoods. The CMR Division would provide inputs to the KGP Division to help promote knowledge about coastal and marine ecosystems and their functioning for effective ecosystem-based management. The CMR Division would devise strategies and plans along with the ISE Division for reduction of current and emerging pressures on the coastal and marine resources through adaptive management and co-management activities.
The CMR division would undertake research studies on the following key topics:
- Development of Critically Vulnerable Coastal Area (CVCA) management strategy/ plan
- Mapping of ESAs
- Mapping of coastal mineral resources
- Coastal ecosystem modelling
- Development of restoration strategies/ plans for degraded coastal and marine habitats
The CMR will investigate the interactions between natural coastal resources and the coastal communities, with a view to establish the level of sustainable utilization, and thereafter the adoption of conservation ideas in the integrated coastal zone management plans in the country.
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