Prof. Dr. Ramesh Ramachandran
Founder Director
As Former Chair of Future Coasts (formerly Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone; LOICZ) from 2011 to 2015, he implemented the LOICZ Nutrient Budget for major estuaries on the east and west coast of India among several other studies globally. For the past decade, Ramesh Ramachandran has been involved in coupled land-ocean interface studies, its management, to aid policy decisions of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change. As the Founder Director of the National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, several trans-disciplinary research studies spanning coastal vulnerability, socio-economic development, coastal/ marine conservation, spatial planning, land-based pollution, island management, integrated coastal zone management and climate change are being undertaken under his leadership. Currently he is chairing the steering committee of Global Partnership on Nutrient Management (GPNM)-UNEP. Dr. Ramesh coordinated with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi and Ministry of External Affairs, Nairobi in the negotiations leading to the UNEA-4 Resolution on “Sustainable Nitrogen Management”, led for the first time by India, in the United Nations. Currently, he serves as the National Focal Point and Member Secretary of the National Working Group on Sustainable Nitrogen Management.
Academic Background
Ph.D.: (1986 – 1990)
Earth and Planetary Sciences with specialization in Marine Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal, CANADA
Ph.D.:(1983 – 1986)
Environmental Sciences with specialization in Environmental Geochemistry, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, INDIA
MPhil: (1981 – 1983)
Environmental Sciences with specialization in Marine Chemistry, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, INDIA
MSc:(1979 – 1981)
Geology, University of Madras, Madras, INDIA
BSc:(1976 – 1979)
Geology, Chemistry and Physics, University of Madras, Madras, INDIA
- Climate Change
- Coastal Geochemistry
- Integrated Coastal Zone Management
- United Nations Environment Programme, Chair of Scientific Committee, Global Partnership on Nutrient Management (GPNM) 2016 – till date
- Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India – 2011 to Till date
- National Green Tribunal, Member of the Committee constituted by National Green Tribunal for the establishment of Vizhinjam Port, Kerala – 2016 to Till date
Professional Experience
- Director, (Level 17- Apex Scale) National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, Anna University Campus, Chennai, India (October 2011 – till date)
- Director and Professor, Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai, India (November 2005 – October 2011)
- Professor, Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai, India (June 2001 – November 2005)
- Technical Program Coordinator (TPC) Indo-UK International Program on Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Training (ICZOMAT) funded by the Department of International Development (DFID), U.K. (Dec 2000 – 2004)
- Assistant Professor, Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai, India (June 1993 – June 2001)
- Visiting Professor, Laboratoire des Mecanismes de Transfert en Géologie (LMTG), UMR, CNRS, Université Paul-Sebatier, Toulouse, FRANCE (October – November 1998)
- Visiting Scientist, Biogeochemistry Department, Max-Planck Institut für Chemie, Mainz, GERMANY (September 1996 – March 1997)
- Visiting Scientist, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. (March – September 1994)
- Lecturer, Centre for Water Resources and Ocean Management, Anna University, Madras, India (November 1991 – June 1993)
- Visiting Faculty, Centre for Water Resources, Anna University, Madras, India (Jan.1991 – Nov.1991)
- Teaching and Research experience at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (1986 -1990)
- United Nations Intern in the 41st DPI Intern Program conducted by the United Nations Department of Public Information at United Nations Headquarters in New York (1989)
- Consultant to the Centre for St. Lawrence, Environment Canada, Montreal (1990)
Supervision of Research Students
- Ph.D. (Completed and awarded): 24
- Ph.D. (Under guidance): 02
- MS. by Research: 04
- Masters Dissertation (International- Portugal, Norway, Germany, Sweden, UK): 20
- MTech (Anna University Chennai): 49
Affiliations in International Organizations
- Chair, Scientific Committee of Global Partnership for Nutrient Management (GPNM), UNEP-GPA, Nairobi [2016 – Till date]
- Member, Future Earth Coasts, FEC Academy [2020 onwards].
- Member, Executive Committee, South Asia Nitrogen Hub (SANH) Project, CEH, UK [2019-2024]
- Member, Inter-convention Nitrogen Co-ordination Mechanism (INCOM) Committee, INMS 2020-2022]
- Expert, Sub-committee on Nitrogen of Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP), WG-45 [2021-2022]
- Member of Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP), UNEP, Sargassum Task Team [2020 – Till date]
- Member, interim Technical Advisory Committee (iTAC) West Africa Coastal Area Program [2019 – 2021]
- Member, Executive Group, South Asia Nitrogen Hub, UK-ERI [2019 – 2024]
- Member, Scientific Steering Committee of the Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study [MAIRS] [2013 – 2016]
- Chair of Scientific Steering Committee, Future Earth Coasts [Formerly LOICZ], International Geosphere Biosphere Programme [2012 – 2015]
- Member, Steering Committee of the United Nations Environment Program – Global Partnership in Nutrient Management [UNEP-GPNM] [2011 – 2016]
- Member, Scientific Steering Committee, Future Earth Coasts [Formerly LOICZ], International Geosphere Biosphere Programme [2009 – 2012]
- Chairman of the International Working Group on Coastal Systems on the Role of Science in International Waters Projects of UNEP-GEF (United Nations Environment Program- Global Environment Facility [2010]
- Member, International Human Dimensions Program [IHDP] [2009 – 2014]
- Member, Scientific Steering Committee, Land Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone [LOICZ] [2007 – 2011]
Affiliations in National Organizations
- Ex-officio, Member, Reconstitution of India National Man and Biosphere Committee (MAB). Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, BR Division, Government of India (2021- Till Date)
- Member, Coastal Aquaculture Authority, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, CRZ Division, Government of India (2021- Till Date)
- Member Secretary, National Nitrogen Steering Committee, MoEF&CC, Government of India (2021-2024)
- Member, National Coastal Zone Management Authority (NCZMA), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India (2011- Till Date)
- Member, Lakshadweep Coastal Zone Management Authority (LCZMA), UT of Lakshadweep {2021 – 2024}
- Member, Tamil Nadu Coastal Zone Management Authority (TNSCZMA), Government of Tamil Nadu {2021 – 2024}
- Member, Project Steering Committee for Indo-Norway Marine Pollution Initiative and Other Marine Litter Related Activities, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (2019 – Till date)
- Member, India-Norway Joint Task Force on Blue Economy, Economic Advisory Council of the Prime Minister (2019 – Till Date)
- Member, National Jury of Blue Flag India, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. ([2019 – Till date)
- Member, National Project Steering Committee for Green Climate Fund, [2020 – Till date], Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
- National Focal Point, Working Group on the Implementation of the Sustainable Nitrogen Management, UNEP, Nairobi. [2020 – Till date]
- Nodal Officer, National Coastal Marine Spatial Planning – Promotion of Blue Carbon. [June 2021 onwards], Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
- Member, General Body, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) (2019 – Till date)
- Member, National Committee on Mangroves and Coral reefs, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India [2018 – Till Date]
- Member of the Committee constituted by National Green Tribunal for establishment of Vizhinjam Port, Kerala, National Green Tribunal. Government of India (2016 – Till Date)
- Member, Technical and Financial Appraisal Committee (TFAC) on R&D Scheme, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India [2019 – Till Date]
- Member, Coastal Zone Management Authority, Government of Tamil Nadu (2009 – 2015)
- Member, National Standing Advisory Committee for Atmospheric Research and Climate Change (SAC-ARCC) constituted by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India (from March 2009 – 2012)
- Member, Expert Group to assess safeguards for Tsunami type risks of EIA projects, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (2011)
- Member, Coastal Zone Management Authority, Government of Puducherry (2012 – Till Date)
- Member, Coastal Zone Management Authority, Andaman and Nicobar Administration (2012 – 2015)
- Member, Coastal Zone Management Authority, Daman & Diu Coastal Zone Management Authority (2017 – Till Date)
- Chairman, Environmental assessment on installation of desalination plant at Lakshadweep Islands, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India (2016 – 2018)
- Chairman, National Expert Committee to examine the suitability of utilizing dredged sand materials obtained from Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project for undertaking construction in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. (2009 – 2010)
- Member, National Infrastructure committee constituted by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (2007 – 2010)
- Core Group Member of the Tsunami Risk Management Group of the National Disaster Management Authority, Government of India (2006)
- Member of the Global International Water Assessment (GIWA) Task Team for the Bay of Bengal Sub-region since December 2001
- Team Leader, River Basin Management Authority for the Chennai (Madras) urban river pollution and cleaning up of waterways of Chennai City (2001)
- Y. P. Abrol Memorial Award 2021; Sustainable India Trust., for excellence in science and/or policy towards sustainable nitrogen management in the last 15 years. Awarded in December 2021
- University Grants Commission UGC-Swami Pranavananda Saraswathi Award in Environmental Sciences and Ecology for the Year 2007; Awarded in February 2010
- EurIndia Academic Professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (August – September 2010)
- Erasmus Mundus Visiting Professor at the University of Algarve, Portugal and University of Cadiz, Spain (2008 – 2010)
- Visiting Professor in the Linnaeus Palme International Exchange Programme at Uppsala University, Sweden (August 2006 – 2011)
- Visiting Scientist under the DST-Royal Society Programme (May – July 2006)
- Recipient of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellowship to conduct advanced research in surface and groundwater pollution and modelling, at the Kyushu University, Fukouka, Japan (July to September 2002)
- Recipient of the Indo-UK Higher Education Link Programme to conduct advanced research on Coastal Zone Management at the Universities of Newcastle and Bath, U.K. (June 2001 – July 2002)
- Recipient of the French Government Scientific Exchange Fellowship to conduct advanced research on River Geochemistry at the Université Paul-Sebatier, Toulouse, FRANCE (October – November 1998)
- Recipient of the Indian National Science Academy’s Scientific Exchange Award to conduct Advanced Research in Global Climate Change Studies at Max- Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany (Sep.1996 – March 1997)
- Recipient of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, Better Opportunities for Young Scientists in Chosen Areas of Science and Technology (BOYSCAST) Young Scientist Award to conduct Advanced Research in Global Climate Change Studies at Harvard University, U.S.A. (1994)
- Recipient of the International Foundation for Science (IFS), Sweden, Young Scientist Project Award (1993)
- Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship: Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, Government of Canada (1986 – 1990).
- Research Studies Executed at NCSCM as Director [2021-2024]
- Joint study on Seaweed Cultivation, Potential and Ecological Safeguards in the Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu
- Benthic Ecosystem and Coastal Acidification
- Assessment of Coastal Erosion and recommendation for suitable Interventions Green Coastal Infrastructure
- Restoration of Pulicat Lagoon, Monitoring Lagoon Ecosystem Health and Lagoon Management Plan
- Holistic Conservation and Integrated Management Plan of Wetlands
- Research Studies Executed at NCSCM as Director [2011-2021]
1 | Tracing Alteration in carbon sink estimates (TrACEs) |
2 | Vulnerability assessment of islands from the impacts of SLR |
3 | Cryptofauna Monitoring System [CMS] |
4 | Assessment of Cumulative Coastal Environmental Impacts (ACCES) |
5 | Assessment of coastal and marine ecosystem health in pollution hotspots – Coastal ECOsystem HEALTH Report Card (ECOHEALTH) |
6 | Establishment of SENTINEL Sites for Coastal Management (SENTINEL) |
7 | Bio-Monitoring of Organic and Inorganic Pollutants |
8 | Marine litter and micro-plastics assessment in marine environment |
9 | Marine biodiversity database – Development of Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Integration Network (CoMBINe) |
10 | Development of spectral library of mangroves and sea-grasses (SPECTRAL) |
11 | Oyster Reef Watch Programme (ORWaP) |
12 | Dunes (DUNES) |
13 | Aliens (ALIENS) |
14 | Conservation and Restoration of Ecosystems (CoRe) |
15 | Blue Carbon Ecosystem: Offsetting Carbon Emissions |
16 | Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions in Coastal Systems |
17 | Estuarine & Coastal Acidification Programme |
18 | Data Web on Island Environment & Protection (DWIEP) |
19 | Traditional Knowledge of Tribal communities in Islands of India with reference to Medicinal Plants (TraMP) |
20 | Low Elevation Coastal zones and its Sustainable uses (LECZ) |
21 | Forecasting coastal Land Cover using past trends with estimation of degraded ecosystems (FoCus) |
22 | Spatial Assessment of Shrinking Deltas (SpADeS) |
23 | Impact of Climate Change on Fishermen livelihood assets and its vulnerability (Claim) |
24 | Assessment of Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Goods and Service: “Linking Coastal zone management to Ecosystem Services in India” (ESI) |
25 | Knowledge Building (KnoB) |
26 | Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) |
27 | Impact of large scale cultivation of seaweeds on coastal environment of India |
28 | Potentials of Offshore Wind Energy Resources (POWER) |
29 | Integrated Island Management Paln (IIMP) for Andaman & Nicobar Islands |
30 | Island Coastal Regulation Zone (ICRZ) and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Plans for Andaman and Nicobar Islands |
31 | High Resolution Erosion Mapping |
32 | Mapping of Fishing Space: ““Socioeconomic Impact of Coastal Land Use/Land Cover Changes on Fishers Livelihood in India” |
33 | ICZM Plan Preparation Guidance Document and Training Materials |
34 | DELTAS: Catalyzing action towards sustainability of deltaic systems with an integrated modelling framework for risk assessment |
35 | Transformation and Resilience on Urban Coasts |
36 | Mapping of Ecologically Sensitive Areas (ESAs) and Critical Vulnerable Coastal Areas (CVCAs) along the Coast of India |
37 | Delineation of Sediment Cells for the East and West coasts of India |
38 | Impact of Large Scale Cultivation of Seaweeds on Coastal Environment of India |
- Research Studies of NCSCM Consortium Partner Institutions
- Delineation of Coastal Sediment Cells: Mapping of Geomorphology and land use land cover changes – IOM, Anna University
- Inventorization and database creation on microbial diversity along Indian coast – Calcutta University
- Coastal Profile: A Socio Economic Assessment of Coastal Resource Based Livelihood Activities for the Coast of Odisha – KIIT, Odisha
- Assessment of Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Goods and Service: Linking Coastal Zone Management to Ecosystem Services in India – Madras School of Economics, Chennai and Goa University, Goa
- Appraisal of occupational hazards, entrepreneurial capacity and decision making role of women in coastal communities of India – MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai
- International Research Studies at NCSCM
- UKRI GCRF –South Asia Nitrogen Hub Project (2019 – 2023)
- UNEP-SSFA Project “Linking the Land-based Activities with Ecosystem Dynamics of Pulicat Lagoon in India” (2021)
- DELTAS: Catalyzing action towards sustainability of deltaic systems with an integrated modeling framework for risk assessment – Belmont Forum Project (2014 – 2017)
- Transformation and Resilience on Urban Coasts (TRUC) – Belmont Forum Project (2014 – 2017)
- Circular Economy Solution preventing Marine Litter in three Ecosystems (2022-2024)
Research Projects
- (Executed as Principal Investigator at Anna University, Chennai)
- Coastal Mapping of Tamil Nadu. Joint Project by the Centre for Water Resources and Ocean Management and Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University (Rupees 10 Lakhs). Funded by the Department of Ocean Development, Government of India and Co-ordinated by the Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad (1991 – 1993)
- Aquaculture Site Selection in Tamil Nadu Coast Using Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing (SEK 70,000 Swedish Crowns), International Foundation for Science, Stockholm, Sweden (1993 – 1995)
- Flux Measurement of Greenhouse Gases from the Mangrove Ecosystems (Rupees 2.5 Lakhs). Funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (1993 – 1995).
- Methane Emission from the Polluted Wetlands of Madras City, India (Rs.50000/) Funded by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India (1993-1994).
- Sediment and elemental accumulation rates along the coastal zone of Tamil Nadu (Rs. 10.00 Lakhs). Funded by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, Bombay (1995 – 98).
- Sustainable Fresh Water Supply for Madras City, India Joint project by the Centre for Water Resources and Ocean Management, Anna University and Shri AMM Murugappa Chettiar Research Centre, Taramani, Madras. (Rs.120,000/-) Funded by the UNICEF, New Delhi (1995 – 1997)
- Drinking Water Quality Management with Concomitant Development of Agriculture and Prawn Culture in a Coastal Rural Habitat (Rs. 2.5 Lakhs). Funded by Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Areas and Employment, Government of India, New Delhi (1996 – 1997)
- Biogeochemical cycle of Methane in Natural Wetlands. (Rs. 12.00 Lakhs). Funded by Indian Space Research Organization – Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (ISRO-GBP), Government of India, Bangalore (1998- 2001)
- Methane Cycling in Tropical Mangrove Ecosystems of India. (DM. 90,000) Funded by Volkswagen Foundation, Hanover, Germany (1998- 2000)
- Nature and flux of organic matter in Godavari river basin. (Rs. 6.00 Lakhs) Funded by LOICZ (Land-Ocean Interaction Programme), Department of Ocean Development, Government of India, New Delhi (1998-2001)
- Coastal Zone Management: Status and Trends of Pollutants in Coastal Ecosystems of Tamil Nadu. Funded by the AICTE, Govt. of India, New Delhi (1998 – 2001)
- Environmental Impact Assessment of Urban, Industrial and Agricultural Pollution in the Tamiraparani River Basin. Funded by the Institute for Water Studies (World Bank), Government of Tamil Nadu (2000 – 2001)
- No impact zone studies in critical habitats: Pulicat Lake Ecosystem. (Rs. 48.00 Lakhs) Funded by ICMAM (Integrated Coastal Marine Area Management Programme), Department of Ocean Development, Government of India, New Delhi (1999 – 2002)
- Nutrient over-enrichment in coastal ecosystems: Cause and Effect (Rs. 25 lakhs). Funded by Indian Space Research Organization – Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (ISRO-GBP), Government of India, Bangalore (April 2001 – March 2003)
- Impacts of urban pollution on the Adyar River and the adjacent ground waters of Chennai city (Rs. 8 lakhs). Funded by the Water Resources Consolidation Project (WRCP)/World Bank, Government of Tamil Nadu (June 2002 – December 2002)
- Assessment of pollutant loadings in River Adyar and River Elbe and their environmental impacts. Funded by the Department of Science and Technology/ Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DST/ DAAD) Project Based Personnel Exchange Programme between Anna University, India and The University of Applied Sciences, Suderburg, Germany (April 2001 – September 2004)
- Study on awareness of backwater effect and the impact on drinking and irrigation aspects of villages in Nagapattinam coastal area. Funded by the Water Resources Consolidation Project (WRCP)/World Bank, Government of Tamil Nadu (December 2003 – September 2004)
- Water Quality Assessment and Characterization in Pondicherry Region. Funded by the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India (2000 – 2005)
- Tidal Impact and Water Quality Assessment in Tsunami Affected Andaman Islands. Funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (2005–2006)
- Biogeochemistry of the Western Ghats Region between Goa and Mangalore using Remote Sensing and Other Modern Techniques. Funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (2000 – 2004)
- Nitrification, Denitrification and Nitrous Oxide in Indian Mangrove Ecosystems. Funded by the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC), U.K. This is an international collaboration with the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. (October 2002 – September 2006)
- Nitrogen Cycling in a Coastal Lagoon Ecosystem. Funded by the India-UK Science Networks (DST-Royal Society: 2005-2007)
- Source strength of CH4 and N2O from wetland rice fields of South funded by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India (2004 – 2007)
- From postgraduate to professional – a partnership for the development of a course for professional capacity in coastal zone managers “Coastalprofs”. Funded by the European Commission – Asia Link Programme along with Wageningen University (The Netherlands), University of Algarve (Portugal), and Can Tho University (Vietnam) (2006 – 2008)
- Influence of terrestrial inputs on mangrove and coral reef primary productivity of the Andaman Islands. Funded by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (2005 – 2008)
- Coordinator, Sustainable Development for Network Programme (SDNP), Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (2005 – 2007)
- Site-specific transfer factor estimation around Kalpakkam. Funded by the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India (April 2006 – March 2009)
- Ecological interlinkages between terrestrial and coastal environments in the Indian Ocean Region. Funded jointly by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and the Bundesministerium fuer Bildung and Forschung (BMBF) (2006 – 2009)
- Trace Gases in Indian Mangrove Ecosystems and Estuaries. Funded by the Leverhulme Foundation, U.K. (2006 – 2009)
- Integrated coastal Zone Management for the Puri to Konark region of Orissa State – funded by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India (April 2006 – March 2009).
- Marine Ecotoxicology – funded by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India (December 2007 – March 2012)
- Building Capacity for Sustainable Governance in South Asian Fisheries: Poverty, Wellbeing and Deliberative Policy Networks – funded by the NERC/ESRC, UK (July 2010 – June 2015)
- Enhancing the use of Science in International Waters projects to improve project results – funded by the UNU- INWEH (United Nations University, Canada) – (January 2010 – March 2011)
- National Assessment of Shoreline Change: A Pilot Study for Gujarat State – funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (April 2010 – March 2011)
- National Assessment of Shoreline Change along the coastal areas of the country excepting Gujarat – funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (April 2010 – March 2012)
- Development of National Institution Building Plan for Integrated Coastal Zone Management – funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (April 2009 – March 2011)
- Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Sundarban Mangroves – funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (April 2010 – March 2013)
- Preparation of Coastal Zone Management Plan for Andaman and Nicobar Islands – funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (April 2006 – March 2011)
- Characterization of organic matter in Proterozoic unconformity related Uranium deposits: A case study from Srisailam and Palnad Sub-basins – funded by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India (April 2009 – March 2012)
- Tracing climate variability from coral reefs of India – funded by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India (April 2009 – March 2012)
- Coastal Marine Pollution Monitoring (COMAPS) – GIS based information and data base for COMAPS sites – funded by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India (December 2007 – March 2012)
- Developing an integrated framework for science policy interactions towards enhanced management of coastal systems in South Asia. Funded by the Asia Pacific Network (APN) (2008 – 2010)
- Monitoring and Database Management of Waterways of Chennai City – funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (April 2004 – March 2012)
- Storage of carbon and nitrogen in subsurface sediments of the Cauvery Delta and its relevance to climate change. Funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (April 2006 – March 2011)
- Mangrove and Coral Reef Biodiversity Information System (MACORBIS) – funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (April 2008 – March 2011)
- Global Partnership for Nutrient Management [GPNM] – funded by UNEP, GEF (July 2012 – June 2015)
- Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS) – funded by the European Commission (EC-FP7), Brussels (July 2010 – June 2015)
- Environmental Information System [ENVIS] Centre for Coastal Zone Management, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (since 2002 – ongoing)
Influence of internal wave induced sound speed variability on acoustic propagation in shallow waters of North West Bay of Bengal KK Noufal, MC Sanjana, G Latha, R Ramesh Applied Acoustics | 2022 |
Building spectral catalogue for salt marsh vegetation, hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing Sambandan Rajakumari, Renganathan Mahesh, Kaladevi Jayadevan Sarunjith, Ramachandran Ramesh Regional Studies in Marine Science | 2022 |
Distribution and dynamics of particulate organic matter in Indian mangroves during dry period Harikrishna Prasad Mamidala, Dipnarayan Ganguly, Purvaja Ramachandran, Yudhistir Reddy, Arumughan Paneer Selvam, Gurmeet Singh, Kakolee Banerjee, Radhakrishnan Subhadra Robin, Ramesh Ramachandran Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2022 |
Microplastic pollution in fragile coastal ecosystems with special reference to the Xpress Pearl maritime disaster, southeast coast of India R Karthik, RS Robin, R Purvaja, V Karthikeyan, B Subbareddy, K Balachandar, G Hariharan, D Ganguly, VD Samuel, TPS Jinoj, R Ramesh Environmental Pollution | 2022 |
Isolation and biological evaluation 7-hydroxy flavone from Avicennia officinalis L: insights from extensive in vitro, DFT, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation studies A Parthiban, V Sachithanandam, P Lalitha, Dhanasekar Elumalai, Radhakrishnan Nandini Asha, Thayalaraj Christopher Jeyakumar, J Muthukumaran, Monika Jain, Kamalraja Jayabal, T Mageswaran, R Sridhar, R Purvaja, R Ramesh Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics | 2022 |
Impact of Time Step Size on Different Cumulus Parameterization Schemes in the Numerical Simulation of a Heavy Rainfall Event Over Tamil Nadu, India Kuvar Satya Singh, Subbareddy Bonthu, Prasad K Bhaskaran, R Purvaja, R Ramesh Pure and Applied Geophysics | 2022 |
Record of a Dugong Feeding Trail with a Note on Recent Dugong-Related Incidents Along the Coast of Tamil Nadu, India. Bitopan Malakar, Abhilash Kottarathil Rajendran, Hariharan Govindasamy, Deepak Samuel Vijay Kumar, Nitul Kumar Gogoi, Purvaja Ramachandran, Ramesh Ramchandran Aquatic Mammals Journal, NFP | 2022 |
Long-term trends of direct nitrous oxide emission from fuel combustion in South Asia Sangeeta Bansal, Nandula Raghuram, Tapan Kumar Adhya, Md Mizanur Rahman, Dendup Tshering Khem Raj Dahal , Abdul Wakee , Shazly Aminath, Zikrullah Safi , Sharath Nissanka, Himanshu Pathak, Tariq Aziz , Umme Aminum Naher, Warshi Dandeniya, Jatish Chandra Biswas, Jitender Taneja, Anant Narayan Panda, Himadri Kaushik, Niveta Jain,Ute Skiba, Ramesh Ramachandran and Mark A Sutton Environmental Research Letters | 2022 |
Ingestion and toxic impacts of weathered polyethylene (wPE) microplastics and stress defensive responses in whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) G.Hariharan, R.Purvaja, I. Anandavelu, R.S.Robin, R.Ramesh | 2022 |
Measurement of in-vivo spectral reflectance of bottom types: Implications for remote sensing of shallow waters Pravin Jeba Dev, Gejo Anna Geevarghese , R. Purvaja, R. Ramesh Advances in Space Research | 2022 |
Morphological changes in alluvial and coastal plains of Kandaleru river, Andhra Pradesh using RS and GIS S. Rajakumari , M. Meenambikai, V. Divya, KJ. Sarunjith, R. Ramesh The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (2021) | 2021 |
Numerical modelling approach for the feasibility of shore protection measures along the coast of Kavaratti Island, Lakshadweep archipelago Jinoj, T., Bonthu, S., Robin, R. S., Babu, K. K., Arumugam, K., Purvaja, R., & Ramesh, R. (2021) Journal of Earth System Science volume 130, Article number: 165 (2021) | 2021 |
Numerical modelling approach for the feasibility of shore protection measures along the coast of Kavaratti Island, Lakshadweep archipelago Jinoj, T., Bonthu, S., Robin, R. S., Babu, K. K., Arumugam, K., Purvaja, R., & Ramesh, R. (2021) Journal of Earth System Science volume 130, Article number: 165 (2021) | 2021 |
Groundwater and Drinking water radon concentrations in the coastal and interior areas of chennai metro city and its impact on public health Kakolee Banerjee , C. Saravanan, Maria C. Fernandes, Vaidyanathan Kannan, Ramachandran Purvaja and R. Ramesh* Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2021), pp. 1–9 | 2021 |
An integrated approach to assess coastal vulnerability versus fisheries livelihood sustainability: Strategies for climate change adaptation in Sindhudurg, west coast of India. J. Joyson Joe Jeevamani, P. Priya, J. Amali Infantina, K. R. Abhilash, Durga Prasad Behera, V. Deepak Samuel, R. Soundararajan, R. Purvaja and R. Ramesh. 2021 Environment, Development and Sustainability volume 23, 4011–4042 (2021) | 2021 |
Environmental DNA reveals aquatic biodiversity of an urban backwater area, southeast coast of India Vignesh Kumar Balasubramanian, Midhuna Immaculate Joseph Maran, Darwin Ramteke, Deepak Samuel, V, Abhilash Kottarathail Rajendran, Purvaja Ramachandran, Ramesh Ramachandran. 2021 Marine Pollution Bulletin. Volume 171, 2021, 112786, ISSN 0025-326X | 2021 |
Fatty acid signatures of sediment microbial community in the chronically polluted mangrove ecosystem P.Semanti, R.S.Robin, R.Purvaja, R.Ramesh Marine Pollution Bulletin Volume 172, November 2021, 112885 | 2021 |
COVID-19 restrictions and their influences on ambient air, surface water and plastic waste in a coastal megacity, Chennai, India R.S. Robin , R. Purvaja , D. Ganguly , G. Hariharan , A. Paneerselvam , R.T. Sundari , R. Karthik , C.S. Neethu , C. Saravanakumar , P. Semanti , M.H.K. Prasad , M. Mugilarasan , S. Rohan , K. Arumugam , V.D. Samuel , R. Ramesh Marine Pollution Bulletin 171 (2021) 112739 | 2021 |
Status of health and conservation classification of tropical coral reefs in Lakshadweep archipelago M. Gopi, J. Joyson Joe Jeevamani, S. Goutham, Nina Tabitha Simon, V. Deepak Samuel, K. R. Abhilash, R. S. Robin, G. Hariharan, R. Muruganandam, P. Krishnan, R. Purvaja & R. Ramesh Wetlands Ecology and Management (2021) | 2021 |
Quality assessment of open sourced digital elevation models in southeast coast of India Renganathan Mahesh, Kaladevi Jayadevan Sarunjith, Sambandan Rajakumari, Ramakrishnan Muruganandam, Ramachandran Ramesh, The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, May 2021 | 2021 |
Comparative and Suitability Analysis of Different Sand Dune Terrain by using DEM data in Marakkanam Taluk of Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu Rajakumari S, Kumaran E, Sarunjith K.J, Divya V, Ramesh R International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 08 Issue: 03 | Mar 2021 | 2021 |
Mapping of water logged areas using SAR images to assess the impact of Tropical Cyclone Gaja in Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu using Remote Sensing and GIS Rajakumari S, Arun Bharath Muthaiah M, Meenambikai M, Sarunjith K J, Ramesh R International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 08 Issue: 02 | Feb 2021 | 2021 |
Quality assessment of open sourced digital elevation models in southeast coast of India Renganathan Mahesh, Kaladevi Jayadevan Sarunjith, Sambandan Rajakumari ,Ramakrishnan Muruganandam, Ramachandran Ramesh The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences. | 2021 |
Sediment cells and their dynamics along the coasts of India – A review Ramachandran Ramesh1 & Ramachandran Purvaja1 & Sambandan Rajakumari1 & Gnanakumar Mary Divya Suganya1 & Kaladevi Jayadevan Sarunjith1 & Arumugam Senthil Vel2, 2021 Journal of Coastal Conservation. | 2021 |
Accumulation and ecotoxicological risk of weathered polyethylene (wPE) microplastics on green mussel (Perna viridis) G. Hariharan , R. Purvaja , I. Anandavelu , R.S. Robin , R. Ramesh (2020). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 208 (2021) 111765 | 2020 |
In situ Photosynthetic Activities and Associated Biogeochemical Changes in Three Tropical Seagrass Species Purvaja, D. Ganguly, G. Hariharan, Arumugam, R, and R. Ramesh (2020). Frontiers in Earth Science 8:467540; DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.467548. | 2020 |
Incursion of the killer sponge Terpios hoshinota Rützler & Muzik, 1993 on the coral reefs of the Lakshadweep archipelago, Arabian Sea. Das, R. R., Sreeraj, C. R., Mohan, G., Abhilash, K. R., Samuel, V. K. D., Ramachandran, P., and Ramachandran, R (2020). Journal of Threatened Taxa, 12(14), 17009-17013.. | 2020 |
Biological evaluation of gallic acid and quercetin derived from Ceriops tagal: insights from extensive in vitro and in silico studies Sachithanandam, V., Parthiban, A., Lalitha, P., Muthukumaran, J., Jain, M., Elumalai, D., Sridhar, Purvaja R., and Ramesh. R (2020). Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics (2020): 1-13. | 2020 |
New Distributional Record of Petal-Eyed Swimmer Crab, Vojmirophthalmus minabensis (Sakai 1961) (Portunidae: Podophthalminae) from Indian Waters M. Yosuva, C. Viswanathan, V.D Samuel, K. Chamundeeswari, R. Purvaja, R. Ramesh(2020). Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences. 36:535–538. ; DOI:10.1007/s41208-020-00226-8. | 2020 |
Nearshore sediment dynamics of Kavaratti Island, Lakshadweep archipelago using integrated modelling system T P S Jinoj, S R Bonthu, R S Robin, K K Idrees Babu, R Purvaja & R Ramesh. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, Vol. 49 (5), May 2020, pp. 845-857. | 2020 |
An integrated approach to assess coastal vulnerability versus fisheries livelihood sustainability Jeevamani, JJJ., Priya P., Infantina J A., Abhilash, K R., Behera D. P., Samuel VD., and Ramesh, R. (2020). Strategies for climate change adaptation in Sindhudurg, west coast of India. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-32. (Impact Factor: 1.676). | 2020 |
Salt marsh vegetation in India: Species composition, distribution, zonation pattern and conservation implications Viswanathan C., Purvaja R., Jeevamani JJJ., Samuel V D., Sankar R., Abhilash KR., Das, R. Ramesh R. (2020). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 106792. (Impact Factor: 2.335). | 2020 |
Impacts of Afforested Mangroves in Tadri River – Geospatial Assessment of Past and Present Changes Rajakumari S, Yogaraju R, Santhiya Antony Mary A, Sundari S, Sarunjith K J, Ramesh R International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume 07, Issue: 02, February 2020. | 2020 |
Spatial heterogeneity of mesozooplankton along the tropical coastal waters I. Anandavelu 1, R.S. Robin 1, R. Purvaja, D. Ganguly, G. Hariharan, R. Raghuraman, M.H.K. Prasad, R. Ramesh Continental Shelf Research 206 (2020) 104193 | 2020 |
Anthropogenic pressures on coastal wetlands John Icely, Alice Newton, Sónia Cristina, Gerardo Perillo, R. Eugene Turner, Dewan Ahsan, Simon Cragg, Yongmin Luo Luo, Chen Lu, Yuan Li, Haibo Zhang, Ramachandran Ramesh, Donal Forbes, Cosimo Solidoro, Béchir Béjaoui, Shu Gao, Roberto Pastres, Heath Kelsey, Dylan Taillie, Nguyen Huu Nhan, Ana Brito, Ricardo de Lima, Claudia Kuenzer Kuenzer, (2020). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, section Conservation ( | 2020 |
Diatom bloom in the Amba River, west coast of India: A nutrient-enriched tropical river-fed estuary R. Karthik1, R.S. Robin1, I. Anandavelu, R. Purvaja ∗, Gurmeet Singh, M. Mugilarasan,T. Jayalakshmi, V. Deepak Samuel, R. Ramesh Regional Studies in Marine Science 35 (2020) 101244 | 2020 |
Sustainability at a cost: An inceptive analysis of “extended” fishing ban on the livelihoods of fishers of Tamil Nadu. Amali Infantina J., Priya P., Deepak Samuel V., Abhilash K.R., Purvaja R. and Ramesh R. Fisheries Management & Ecolpgy, DOI: 10.1111/fme.12416 | 2020 |
Coastal vulnerability assessment of Vedaranyam swamp coast based on land use and shoreline dynamics V. P. Sathiya Bama.; S. Rajakumari.; R. Ramesh Nat Hazards (2020) 100:829-842 DOI 10.1007/s11069-019-03844-5 | 2020 |
Holistic assessment of microplastics in various coastal environmental matrices, southwest coast of India R.S. Robin, R. Karthik , R. Purvaja, D. Ganguly, I. Anandavelu, M. Mugilarasan, R. Ramesh Science of the Total Environment 703 (2020) 134947; DOI: | 2020 |
Distribution and biodiversity of tropical saltmarshes: Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, Southeast coast of India M. Gopi, M. Pravin Kumar, J. Joyson Joe Jeevamani, S. Raja, R. Muruganandam, V. Deepak Samuel, Nina Tabitha Simon, C. Viswanathan, K.R. Abhilash, P. Krishnan, R. Purvaja, R. Ramesh Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, | 2019 |
Truncatoflabellum madrasensis sp. nov. – a new ahermatypic coral species from India: a checklist of species under genus Truncatoflabellum from the Indian ocean. Tenjing S.Y., Krishnan P., Deepak Samuel V. and R. Purvaja (2019) Vie et milieu – Life and environment, 69 (2-3): 89-93 | 2019 |
Small island management: a case study of the Smith Island, North Andaman, India. Sridhar, R., Sachithanandam, V., Mageswaran, T., Mahapatra, M., Badarees, K. O., Purvaja, R., & Ramesh, R. (2019). Environment, Development and Sustainability. doi:10.1007/s10668-019-00553-8 | 2019 |
First record of two rare brachyuran crabs: Drachiella morum Alcock, 1896 and Quadrella maculosa Alcock, 1898 along the Tamil Nadu coast, India Chinnathambi Viswanathan, Sampath Goutham, Vijay Kumar Deepak Samuel, Pandian Krishnan, Ramachandran Purvaja & Ramachandran Ramesh 2019 Journal of Threatened Taxa,26 August 2019 | Vol. 11 | No. 10 | Pages: 14358–14362 DOI: 10.11609/jott.3076.11.10.14358-14362 | 2019 |
Planform Island change assessment for inhabited Lakshadweep Islands G. Mary Diviya Suganya.; B. Deepika,; R. Madhumitha.; S. Rajakumari.; R. Purvaja.; R. Ramesh (2019) Natural Hazards September 2019, Volume 98, Issue 2, pp 735–750 | 2019 |
Recruitment pattern of Scleractinian coral spats on neighbouring artificial substrates at Kurusadai Reef Complex, Gulf of Mannar, India N. Marimuthu, Purvaja Ramachandran, M. Sathish, N. Dinesh, and R. Ramesh (2019) Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 22:1,77-85; DOI: | 2019 |
Marine snakes of Indian coasts: historical resume, sys-tematic checklist, toxinology, status, and identification key Ganesh, S.R., T. Nandhini, V.Deepak. Samuel, C.R. Sreeraj, K.R. Abhilash, R. Purvaja & R. Ramesh (2019) Journal of Threatened Taxa 11(1): 13132–13150; | 2019 |
Impact of long-term seaweed farming on water quality: a case study from Palk Bay, India Abhilash K. R, R. Sankar, R. Purvaja, Samuel V. Deepak, C. R. Sreeraj, P. Krishnan, V. Sekar, Amit K. Biswas, G. Kumarapandiyan and R. Ramesh. 2019. Journal of Coastal Conservation. Pp. 1-15. | 2019 |
First record of the heart urchin Metalia persica (Mortensen, 1940) from the Chennai coast, India 2019 Chamundeeswari Kanagaraj, Rich Mooi, Deepak Samuel Vijay Kumar, Hrishikesh Premachandran, Abhilash Kottarathil Rajendran, Sankar Rethinavelu, Purvaja Ramachandran, Ramesh Ramachandran. 2019 Zootaxa 4624(2):296-300. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4624.2.13 | 2019 |
Importance of Seagrass Management for Effective Mitigation of Climate Change. Ramesh, R., Banerjee, K., Paneerselvam, A., Raghuraman, R., Purvaja, R. and Lakshmi, A., (2019) In Coastal Management (pp. 283-299). Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-810473-6 | 2019 |
Seagrass litter decomposition: an additional nutrient source to shallow coastal waters. Environmental monitoring and assessment Prasad MHK., Ganguly D., Paneerselvam A., Ramesh R., and Purvaja R. (2019). Environmental monitoring and assessment; Vol. 191(1), 5.; Impact Factor:1.804; | 2019 |
Oil spill triggered shift in microbial structure and functional dynamics in different environmental matrices. Neethu CS, C.Saravanakumar, R.Purvaja, R.S.Robin, Ramesh R (2019). Scientific Reports-Nature; Impact factor- 4.5; DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-37903-x | 2019 |
Challenges and Opportunities in the Management of Coral Islands of Lakshadweep, India Purvaja R.Yogeswari S., Debasis T., Hariharan G..Raghuraman R. Muruganandam R., Ramesh R. Paperback ISBN: 9780128140031; Coasts and Estuaries,1st Edition; | 2019 |
Towards a framework to iport coastal change governance in small islands. Glaser M, Breckwoldt A, Carruthers TJ, Forbes DL, Costanzo S, Kelsey H, Ramesh R, Stead, S. (2018). Environmental Conservation; pp 1-11; Impact Factor: 1.71; doi:10.1017/S0376892918000164. Contribution Number : NCSCM/PUB/2018/0001 | 2018 |
Vegetative structure and species composition of mangroves along the Mumbai coast, Maharashtra India Kantharajan G, Pandey P.K, Krishnan P, Ragavan P, Joyson J.J, Purvaja R, Ramesh R. (2018) Regional Studies in Marine Science, Vol 19; 1-8, DOI:10.1016/j.rsma.2018.02.011 | 2018 |
Limited distribution of Devil snail Faunus ater (Linnaeus, 1758) in tropical mangrove habitats of India Das, Rocktim Ramen, Jeevamani, Jeyapaul Joyson Joe, Sankar, Rethinavelu Kumar, Deepak Samuel Vijay, Krishnan, Pandian, Ramachandran, Purvaja,Ramachandran, Ramesh. (2018) NISCAIR-CSIR, India. Indian Journal of GeoMarine Sciences, IJMS Vol.47(10) [October 2018], | 2018 |
Seagrass and macrophyte mediated CO2 and CH4 dynamics in shallow coastal waters Kakolee Banerjee, A. Paneerselvam, Purvaja Ramachandran, Dipnarayan Ganguly, Gurmeet Singh, R. Ramesh. (2018) PLOS, | 2018 |
Microplastics along the beaches of southeast coast of India R Karthik, RS Robin, R Purvaja, D Ganguly, I Anandavelu, R Raghuraman, G Hariharan, A Ramakrishna, R Ramesh. (2018) Science of The Total Environment, Vol:645; 1388-1399, | 2018 |
Structure and regeneration status of mangrove patches along the estuarine and coastal stretches of Kerala, India George, G., Krishnan, P., Mini, K. G., Salim, S. S., Ragavan, P., Tenjing, S. Y., and Ramesh, R. (2018) Journal of Forestry Research, pp. 1-12, | 2018 |
Diversity of marine molluscs in the bycatch from lobster nets, Erwadi, Gulf of Mannar Samuel, D. V., Krishnan, P., Abhilash, K. R., Sreeraj, C. R., Patro, S., Sankar, R., Margi Purohit., Purvaja R and Ramesh, R. (2018) Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, vol47(01), pp 170-175, | 2018 |
Legislation and policy options for conservation and management of seagrass ecosystems in India Ramesh R. Banerjee K., Paneer Selvam A., Purvaja R Ahanalakshmi, and Krishnan, P. (2018) Ocean & Coastal Management, Vol:159; 46-50, | 2018 |
Recruitment pattern of Scleractinian coral spats on neighbouring artificial substrates at Kurusadai Reef Complex, Gulf of Mannar, India Marimuthu N, Purvaja R, Sathish M, Dinesh N, Ramesh R. (2018) Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 02/2018, | 2018 |
Occurrence of Live Rhodolith Bed of Lithophyllum kotschyanum Unger (Corallinaceae: Lithophylloideae) in Palk Bay:First Record from India. Krishnan P., Sreeraj C.R., Abhilash K.R., Deepak Samuel V., Purvaja R. and Ramesh R. (2018) Current science; 114(3):1., DOI:10.18520/cs/v114/i03/445-446 | 2018 |
Vulnerability of coastal ecosystems and habitats due to erosion.. Deepak Samuel V., Purvaja R., Subbareddy Bonthu, Abhilash K. R., Viswanathan C., Mary Divya S., Deepika B, Muruganandam R., Rajakumari S and Ramesh R. (2018) Climate Change and the Vulnerable Indian Coast, 12/2018: pages 69-88; Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, 2018., ISBN: ISBN 978-93-5346-195-9 | 2018 |
Carbon Sequestration in Coastal Ecosystems of India Purvaja R, Singh G, Gejo Anna Geevarghese, Ganguly D, Harikrishna Prasad M, Saha A, Arumugham K and Ramesh R (2018) Climate Change and The Vulnerable Indian Coast, edited by Ramesh and Bhat, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Government of India, 2018. pp. 325-342. | 2018 |
Spatial Assessment of Net Canopy Photosynthetic Rate and Species Diversity in Pichavaram Mangrove Forest, Tamil Nadu Pandi Selvam P., Gejo Anna Geevarghese, Purvaja R. & Ramesh R (2018) Indian Journal of Ecology, vol.45, no.4, pp.717-723. | 2018 |
Differential bleaching patterns in corals of Palk Bay and the Gulf of Mannar Krishnan P, Purvaja R, Sreeraj C.R, Raghuraman R, Robin R.S, Abhilash K.R, Mahendra R.S, Anand A, Gopi M, Mohanty P.C, Venkataraman K, Ramesh R. (2018) Current science, 114(3); 679-685, DOI: 10.18520/cs/v114/i03/679-685 | 2018 |
Distribution of Major and Trace elements in Koppunuru area, Guntur district, Andhara Pradesh, India Arumugam K, Srinivasalu S, Purvaja R, Ramesh R. (2018) Data in Brief, DOI:10.1016/j.dib.2018.02.060 | 2018 |
Vegetative structure and species composition of mangroves along the Mumbai coast, Maharashtra India Kantharajan G, Pandey P.K, Krishnan P, Ragavan P, Joyson J.J, Purvaja R, Ramesh R. (2018) Regional Studies in Marine Science, Vol 19; 1-8, DOI:10.1016/j.rsma.2018.02.011 | 2018 |
National Green Tribunal of India—an observation from environmental judgements Sridhar R, Dhivya P, Purvaja R, Ramesh R. (2018) Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol 25;11313–11318, | 2018 |
Framework for mapping the drivers of coastal vulnerability and spatial decision making for climate-change adaptation: A case study from Maharashtra, India Krishnan P, Ananthan PS, Purvaja R, Jeevamani JJ, Infantina JA, Rao, CS, Mahendra RS, Sekher I, Karemulla K, Biswas A, Sastry RK, Ramesh R. (2018) Ambio, pp 1-21, DOI: 10.1007/s13280-018-1061-8 | 2018 |
Towards a framework to iport coastal change governance in small islands Glaser M, Breckwoldt A, Carruthers TJ, Forbes DL, Costanzo S, Kelsey H, Ramesh R, Stead, S. (2018) Environmental Conservation, pp 1-11, Doi:10.1017/S0376892918000164 | 2018 |
An updated checklist of Echinoderms from Indian waters. Deepak Samuel V., Krishnan P., Sreeraj CR., Chamundeeswari K., Parthiban C., Sekar V., … and Ramesh R. Zootaxa, 2017, Vol. 4354(1), 1-68. | 2017 |
Prediction of heavy rainfall over Chennai Metropolitan City, Tamil Nadu: Impact of microphysical parameterization schemes. Singh KS., Bonthu S., Purvaja R., Robin RS., Kannan, BAM and Ramesh R. Atmospheric Research, 2017 Doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.11.028. | 2017 |
Assessment of human induced stress on the Karaikal coast: A multi-dimensional approach for evaluating the pollution status Sathiyabama VP., Ramesh R., Purvaja R., Robin RS., Suganya M.D., Hariharan G. and Ganguly D. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2017 Vol.24 (1), 340-349 | 2017 |
A comprehensive geospatial assessment of seagrass distribution in India Gejo Anna Geevarghese, B. Akhil, G. Magesh, P. Krishnan, R. Purvaja, R. Ramesh Ocean and Coastal Management, 2017, Doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.10.032 | 2017 |
Seagrass meadows as proxy for assessment of ecosystem health R. Purvaja∗, R.S. Robin, D. Ganguly, G. Hariharan, G. Singh, R. Raghuraman, R. Ramesh Ocean and Coastal Management, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.11.026 | 2017 |
Valuing the carbon sequestration regulation service by seagrass ecosystems of Palk Bay and Chilika, India D. Ganguly, G. Singh, R. Purvaja, R. Bhatta1, A. Paneer Selvam, K. Banerjee, R. Ramesh Ocean and Coastal Management, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.11.009 | 2017 |
Symbiotic brachyuran crab Eumedonus zebra Alcock, 1895 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pilumnidae) – A first record from South east coast of India. ViswanathanC.Goutham S. Deepak Samuel VPurvaja, R and Ramesh R. (2017). Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. (Impact Factor: 0.172). | 2017 |
Limited distribution of Devil snail Faunus ater (Linnaeus, 1758) in tropical mangrove habitats of India. Krishnan, P., Deepak Samuel, V., CR Sreeraj, Abhilash KR., Rocktim RD., Joyson JJ., Sankar, R., Deepak SVK., Krishnan P., Purvaja, R and Ramesh R. (2017). .(Impact Factor: 0.172). | 2017 |
Salt Marsh: Ecologically Important, Yet Least Studied Blue Carbon Ecosystems in India. Banerjee K, Swati MS, Purvaja, R and Ramesh R. (2017). Journal of Climate Change.DOI: 10.3233/JCC-170014. | 2017 |
Rapid assessment on mass mortality of fishes in ennore estuary of Tamil Nadu, India. Sachithanandam, V., Mageswaran, T., Sridhar, R., Arumugam K., Purvaja, R. and Ramesh, R. (2017). Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences.46(8):1647-1650. (Impact Factor: 0.172). | 2017 |
Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: Atmospheric processes and model evaluation. Travnikov O, Angot H, Artaxo P, Bencardino M, Bieser J, and Ramesh R., et al., (2017). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(8), 5271.(Impact Factor: 5.318). | 2017 |
Spatial variation in the health of coral reef communities of Palk Bay, southeast coast of India. Marimuthu N, Purvaja R, Robin RS, DebasisTudu, Hariharan G, Ramesh R. (2016). Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management.19(4), 360-367. (Impact Factor: 0.455). | 2017 |
Seagrass metabolism and carbon dynamics in a tropical coastal embayment. Ganguly D, Singh G, Purvaja P, PaneerSelvam, A, Banerjee K and Ramesh R. (2017). Ambio, 1-13.(Impact Factor: 2.973). | 2017 |
Atmospheric mercury concentrations observed at ground-based monitoring sites globally distributed in the framework of the GMOS network. Francesca S, Nicola Pirrone.,RameshR., et al. (2016). Atmos. Chem. Phys. 16, 11915–11935. (Impact Factor: 5.114). | 2016 |
A Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental (PESTLE) approach for assessment of coastal zone management practice in India. Sridhar, R., Sachithanandam, V., Mageswaran, T., Purvaja, R., Ramesh, R.,Senthilvel, A., Thirunavukkarasu E. (2016). International Review of Public Administration. 21(2), 216-232. | 2016 |
Heavy Metal Distribution and Pollution Assessment Using Environmental Indices in The Surface Sediments of Sundarbans Delta, India. Kakolee, B., PaneerSelvam A, Purvaja R, Ramesh R. (2016). Journal of Applied Geochemistry. 18(4): 369-385. (Impact Factor: 2.468). | 2016 |
Evaluation of the Multiple biomarkers on Identification of the Vulnerable Coastal Pollution Hotspots. Hariharan G, Purvaja R, Robin RS and Ramesh. R. (2016). Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23:23281–23290(Impact Factor: 2.97). | 2016 |
Both riverine detritus and dissolved nutrients drive lagoon fisheries, Estuarine, Bonthu, S., Ganguly, D., Purvaja, R., Ramesh, R., Pattnaik,A.K., Wolanski, E. Coastal and Shelf Science (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.ecss. 2016.07.016. (Impact Factor: 2.335). | 2016 |
Approaches to defining deltaic sustainability in the 21st century, Estuarine Day, J.W., Agboola, J., Chen, Z., D’Elia, C., Forbes, D.L., Giosan, L., Kemp, P., Kuenzer, C., Lane, R.R., Ramesh, R., Syvitski, J. and Yanez-Arancibia, A.(2016) Coastal and Shelf Science, 183, 275-291 (Impact Factor: 2.335). | 2016 |
An updated checklist of shrimps on the Indian coast. Samuel V.K.D., Sreeraj CR, Krishnan P, Parthiban C, Sekar V, Chamundeeswari K, Immanuel, Shesdev P, Purvaja R, Ramesh R. ( 2016). Journal of Threatened Taxa. 8(7):8977-8988 | 2016 |
Seagrass Ecosystem and Climate Change Gurmeet Singh, DipnarayanGanguly, A PaneerSelvam, KakoleeKakolee, Purvaja, R and Ramesh, R.(2016). An Indian Perspective. 1 (1-2): 67-74. (Impact Factor:1.643). | 2016 |
Intrusion of coral-killing sponge (Terpioshoshinota) on the reef of Palk Bay. ShesdevPatro, Krishnan, P., Gopi, M., Raja, S., Sreeraj, Cr., Purvaja R and Ramesh, R. (2016). Current Science. 109(6): 1030.(Impact Factor: 0.833). | 2016 |
Land–Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone: Past, present & future. Ramesh, R., Chen, Z., Cummins, V., Day, J., C DElia., Dennison, B., Forbes, DL., Glaeser, B., Glaser, M., Glavovic, B., Kremer, H., Lange, M., Larsen, JN.,LeTissier, M., Newton, A., Pelling, M., Purvaja, R., Wolanski, E. (2016). Anthropocene, 12, 85-98. | 2016 |
Geochemistry of surface sediments of a tropical brackish water lake in South Asia. Nirmala,K., Ramesh,R.,Ambujam, NK., Arumugam, K., Srinivasalu, S. (2016) Environmental Earth Sciences. 75(3):1-11. (Impact Factor: 1.765). | 2016 |
Regional initiatives for interlinking global coastal scientific research projects. Purvaja, R., Ramesh, R., Glavovic, B., Ittekkot, V and Samseth, J. (2015). Environmental Development. 14: 66-68. | 2015 |
An inventory on phosphorous flux of the major Indian rivers. Ramesh, R., Robin, R.S. and Purvaja, R. (2015). Current Science, 108 (7): 1294-1299. (Impact Factor: 0.833). | 2015 |
Analysis of shallow water ambient noise due to rain and derivation of rain parameters. Ashokan, M. Latha, G and Ramesh, R. (2015). Applied Acoustics; Vol. 88, 114-122: (Impact Factor: 1.068). | 2015 |
Net Anthropogenic Nitrogen Inputs and Nitrogen Fluxes from Indian Watersheds: Swaney, D.P; Hong, B; PaneerSelvam, A; Howarth, R.W; Ramesh, R.,Purvaja, R. (2015). A Preliminary Assessment Journal of Marine Systems: Vol. 141, 45-58. (Impact Factor: 2.476). | 2015 |
Marine turtle mortalities along the Tamil Nadu coast of India and the need for turtle-friendly fisheries. Sachithanandam, V., Mageswaran, T., Sridhar, R., Arumugam, T and Ramesh, R. (2015). Biodiversity; Vol. 16(1), 8-14. | 2015 |
Land Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone: Past, Present & Future Ramesh, R., Chen, Z., Day, J., Dennison, B., Forbes, D., Glaeser, B., Glaser, M., Glavovich, B., Kremer, H., Newton, A., Pelling, M., Purvaja, R., Swanney, D. and Wollanski, E. (2015). American Geophysical Union Journal. | 2015 |
Geographical analysis of tourism sites in Andaman Archipelago (India) and ecotourism development for Smith Island of North Andaman. Sridhar, R., Sachithanandam, V., Mageswaran, T., Arumugam, T and Ramesh, R. (2015). International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology; Vol: 21(5); 449-455. (Impact Factor: 1.771). | 2015 |
Analysis of rain noise in shallow waters of Bay of Bengal during cyclonic storm Ashokan, M. Latha, G and Ramesh, R. (2014). JAL. IJGMS. Impact Factor: 0.563). | 2014 |
Sources-sink inventory of greenhouse from Indian mangroves: Kakolee Banerjee, Ganguly, D. PaneerSelvam, A. Purvaja, R and Ramesh, R. (2014). Indian Journal of Geo Marine Science. 43(6): 1007-1019. (Impact Factor: 0.563). | 2014 |
Mangrove regeneration in tsunami affected area of north and south Andaman using insitu and remote sensing techniques. Sachithanandam, V. Mageswaran, T. Ragavan, P. Mahapatra, M. Sridhar, R. Ramesh, R and Mohan, PM. (2014). IJMS. 43: 1055-1061. (Impact Factor: 0.563). | 2014 |
Environmental Safety Level of Lead (Pb) Pertaining to Toxic Effects on Grey Mullet (Mugilcephalus) and Tiger Perch (Teraponjarbua). Hariharan, G. Purvaja, R. Ramesh. R. (2014). Environmental Toxicology. DOI. 10.1002/tox.22019. (Impact Factor: 2.708). | 2014 |
Improving science and policy in managing land-based sources of pollution. Ramesh. R., Purvaja, R., Lowry, L., Kremer, H. and Lange, M. (2014). Environmental Development (Impact Factor: 1.592). | 2014 |
Toxic Effects of Lead on Biochemical and Histological Alterations in Green Mussel (Pernaviridis) induced by Environmentally relevant concentrations. Hariharan, G., Purvaja, R., and R. Ramesh. (2014). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 77:246–260. [Impact Factor: 1.733] | 2014 |
Multivariate water quality assessment from the Tamiraparani river basin, Southern India. Kumarasamy, P., Arthur James, R., Hans-UweDahms., Chan-Woo Byeon, and Ramesh, R. (2014). Environ Earth Sci, 71: 2441-2451. (Impact Factor: 1.445). | 2014 |
Assessment of Cyclone Lehar’s impact on seagrass meadows in Ross and Smith Islands, North Andaman. Sachithanandam, V., Mageswaran, T., Sridhar, R., Purvaja, R., and Ramesh, R. (2014). Nat Hazards. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-014-1040-8. (Impact Factor: 1.639). | 2014 |
Stable isotopes and salinity in the surface waters of the Bay of Bengal: Implications for water dynamics and palaeoclimate Achyuthan, H., Deshpande, R.D., Rao, M.S., Bhishm Kumar., Nallathambi, T., Shashi Kumar, K., Ramesh, R.,Purvaja, R., Maurya, A.S., and Gupta, S.K. (2013) Marine Chemistry, Volume 149: 51–62 [Impact Factor: 3.551] | 2013 |
Carbon Dioxide and Methane Emissions from Mangrove-Associated Waters of the Andaman Islands, Bay of Bengal. NeethaLinto, J.Barnes, Ramesh, R., Jennifer Divia., PurvajaRamachandran., R. C. Upstill-Goddard (2013) Estuaries & Coasts DOI: 10.1007/s12237-013-9674-4 [Impact Factor: 2.560] | 2013 |
N2O Flux from South Andaman Mangroves and surrounding Creek Waters. Jennifer Divia., Neetha, V., Hariharan, G., Kakolee, B., Purvaja, R., Ramesh, R., (2013) International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography, Volume 7, No.1, pp. 73-82. | 2013 |
Coastal hazard mapping in the Cuddalore region, South India. Saxena, S., Purvaja, R. Mary DivyaSuganya, G. and Ramesh, R. (2013). Nat Hazards (2012): 1–10. DOI 10.1007/s11069-012-0362-7 [Impact factor: 1.639] | 2013 |
Applications of Remote Sensing in the validations of Potential Fishing Zones (PFZ) along the coast of North Tamil Nadu, India. Nammalwar. P., Satheesh, S., and R.Ramesh. (2013). Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol. 42(3); 283-292. [Impact Factor: 0. 563] | 2013 |
Tipping from the Holocene to the Anthropocene: How threatened are major world deltas. Renaud, F.G, Syvitski, J.P.M. Sebesvari, Z. Werners, S.E. Kremer, H. Kuenzer, C., Ramesh, R., Jeuken, A. and Friedrich, J. (2013). Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. Vol. 5:644–654. [Impact Factor: 3.168] | 2013 |
Vertical Profile Distribution and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Mangrove Sediments (Pichavaram), Southeast Coast of India. Senthilkumar, B., Purvaja, R., and Ramesh, R. (2013). Journal of Applied Geochemistry. Vol.15; 318-335. [Impact Factor: 1.708] | 2013 |
Megacities and large urban agglomerations in the Coastal Zone: Interactions between atmosphere, land and marine ecosystems. vonGlasow, R., Jickells, T., Baklanov, A., Gregory R., Carmichael, Church, T., Gallardo, L., Hughes, C., Kanakidou, M., Liss, P., Mee, L., Raine, R., Purvaja, R, Ramesh, R., Sundseth, K., Tsunogai, U., Uematsu, M. and Zhu, T. (2012) AMBIO Volume 42, Issue 1, pp 13-28 [Impact Factor: 2.295] | 2012 |
Acute and chronic toxic effect of lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) on biomarker response in post larvae of Penaeusmonodon (Fabricus, 1798). Hariharan, G., Suresh Kumar, C. LaxmiPriya, S. PaneerSelvam, A. Mohan, D. and Purvaja, R. and Ramesh, R. (2012). Journal of Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry. Vol. 94 (8): 1571–1582. | 2012 |
Heavy metal assessment using geochemical and statistical tools in the surface sediments of Vembanad Lake, Southwest Coast of India, PaneerSelvam, A. LaxmiPriya, S. Kakolee Banerjee, Hariharan, G., Purvaja, R. and Ramesh, R. (2012). Environ Monit. Assess. Vol. 184: 5899-5915. DOI 10.1007/s10661-011-2389-8. [Impact Factor: 1.592] | 2012 |
Sedimentation and trace metal distribution in selected locations of Sundarbans mangroves and Hooghly estuary, Northeast coast of India, Kakolee Banerjee, B. Senthilkumar, R. Purvaja, R. and Ramesh, (2012) Environ Geochem. Health, Vol. 34: 27–42. [Impact Factor: 2.076] | 2012 |
GIS approach in assessing the status of neritic water quality and petroleum hydrocarbons in Bay of Bengal (From Chennai to Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu), India. Gowri, V.S. Ramesh, R., Nammalwar, P., Satheesh, N., Rajkumar, J., Kakolee Banerjee, and SeshaBamini, N. (2012). International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences, Volume 3, No 1. 249-258. [Impact factor: 0.433] | 2012 |
Trace Elements in Groundwater of Coastal Aquifers of Pondicherry Region, India. Senthil Nathan, D. Manil Kumar, R. Sivamurthy Reddy, S. Sivasankaran, M.A. and Ramesh, R. (2012). Journal of Environment; Vol. 01(4): 111-118. | 2012 |
Integrated Coastal and Estuarine Management in South and Southeast Asia. In: Wolanski E and McLusky DS (eds.) Ramesh R, Lakshmi A, and Purvaja R (2011) Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, Vol. 11, pp. 227–263. Waltham: Academic Press. | 2011 |
Internal cycling of nitrogen and nitrogen transformations. Voß, Maren, D. Bronk, B. Deutsch, R. Purvaja, R. Ramesh, T. Rixen, R. Sipler, and N. Wannicke. (2011). In: Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science. Wolanski, E. and D.S. McLusky (eds). Vol. 5: 231-259. | 2011 |
Evolution of late Holocene coastal dunes in the Cauvery delta region of Tamil Nadu, India. Alappat, L., Frechen. M., Ramesh, R. Tsukamoto, S. and Srinivasalu, S. (2011). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42 (2011) 381–397. [Impact Factor: 2.379]. | 2011 |
Impact of monsoon-driven surface ocean processes on a coral off Port Blair in the Andaman Islands and their link to North Atlantic climate variations. Rixen, T., Purvaja, R., Lehnhoff, L., Dasbach, D., Urban, B., Ramesh, R. and Ittekkot, V. (2011) Global and Planetary Change Volume 75 (1-2), Pages 1-13. [Impact Factor: 4.476]. | 2011 |
Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Mullet (MugilCephalus) and Oyster (CrassostreaMadrasensis) from Pulicat Lake, South India. LaxmiPriya, S., Senthilkumar, B. Hariharan, G. PaneerSelvam, A., Purvaja, R., and Ramesh, R (2011) Journal of Toxicology and Industrial Health. ToxicolInd Health published Vol. 27(2). : 117-126. [Impact Factor: 1.555]. | 2011 |
Persistent organic pollutants in breast milk of mothers residing around an open dumping site in Kolkata, India: Specific dioxin-like PCB levels and fish as a potential source Someya M, Ohtake M, Kunisue T, Subramanian A, Takahashi S, Chakraborty P, Ramesh, R., Tanabe S. (2010) . Environ Int. 36(1):27-35. [Impact Factor: 6.248]. | 2010 |
Natural radioactivity and associated dose rates in soil samples from Kalpakkam, South India. Sowmya, M., Senthilkumar, B. Seshan, B.R.R., Hariharan, G., Purvaja, R., Ramkumar, S. and Ramesh, R. (2010) J. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 141(3) :239–247. [Impact Factor: 0.909]. | 2010 |
Chronology of cauvery delta sediments from shallow subsurface cores using elevated – Temperature post-IR IRSL dating of feldspar. Alappat, L. Tsukamoto, S. Singh, P. Srikantha, D. Ramesh., R.and M. Frechen. (2010). Geochronometria 37:37-47. [Impact Factor: 1.653]. | 2010 |
Revealing the coastal event-history of the Andaman Islands (Bay of Bengal) during the Holocene using radiocarbon and OSL dating. Alexander Kunz, Manfred Frechen, Ramesh, R. and Brigitte Urban. (2010) Int. J Earth Sci. 99: 1741-1761. [Impact Factor: 2.261]. | 2010 |
Study on the hydrogeochemical characteristics in groundwater, post- and pre-tsunami scenario, from Portnovo to Pumpuhar, southeast coast of India. Chidambaram, S., Ramanathan, A., Prasanna, MV.,Karmegam, U., Dheivanayagi, V., Ramesh, R., Johnsonbabu, G., Premchander, B., and Manikandan. S. (20101). Environ Monit Assess: 169(1-4):553-568. [Impact Factor: 1.592]. | 2010 |
Luminescence dating of late holocene dunes showing remnants of early settlement in Cuddalore and evidence of monsoon activity in south east India. Kunz, A., Freschen, M., Ramesh, R and Urban, B. (2009) Quaternary International, Vol. 99(8):741-1761. [Impact Factor: 1.962]. | 2009 |
Development of CH4 emission factors for Indian paddy fields and estimation of National Methane Budget. Gupta, P.K., Gupta, V., Sharma, C., Das, S.N., Purkait, N., Adhya,T.K., Pathak, H., Ramesh R.., Baruah, K.K., Venkataraman, L., Gulab Singh, Iyer, C.S.P. (2009). Chemosphere, Volume 74(4), 590-598. [Impact Factor: 3.137]. | 2009 |
Methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in the polluted Adyar River and estuary, SE India. NirmalRajkumar, A, Barnes, J, Ramesh, R. Purvaja, R. and Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (2008). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 56, 2043-2051 [Impact Factor: 2.531]. | 2008 |
Coastal land use and land cover mapping of Puri to Konark coastal stretch of Orissa. Vibha Sharma, Ramesh, R and Ramachandran, S. (2008) The Indian Geographical Journal, Vol. 82(1) 37-42. [Impact Factor: 0.91]. | 2008 |
Biogeochemistry of Nitrogen in Seagrass and Oceanic Systems. Purvaja, R, Ramesh, R.,Shalini, A., and Tim Rixen. (2008). Memoir Geological Society of India Vol. 73, 435–460. [Impact Factor: 0.57]. | 2008 |
Nitrogen Cycling: A review of the processes, transformations and fluxes in coastal ecosystems. Purvaja, R, Ramesh, R, Ray, A.K., and Rixen, T. (2008). Current Science Vol.94(11) 1419-1438. [Impact Factor: 0.935]. | 2008 |
Fluxes of CH4 and N2O from an Indian mangrove. Krithika, K., Purvaja, R and Ramesh, R. (2008). Current Science. Vol. 94, No. 2, 25 January 2008. 218-224. [Impact Factor: 0.935]. | 2008 |
Seasonal and Tidal dynamics of Nutrients and Chlorophyll a in a Tropical Mangrove Dominated Estuary, Southeast Coast of India, Senthilkumar B, Purvaja R and Ramesh R. (2008). Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, Vol. 37(2), pp. 132 – 140. [Impact Factor: 0.563]. | 2008 |
Application of GIS in the study of mass transport of pollutants by Adyar and Cooum Rivers in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Gowri, V.S., Ramachandran, S., Ramesh R. and Pramiladevi, I.R.R., Krishnaveni, K. (2008). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Vol. 138, 41-49. [Impact Factor: 1.592]. | 2008 |
Environmental Monitoring Network for India. Sundareshwar, P.V. Murtugudde, R., Srinivasan, G., Singh, S., Ramesh, K. J., Ramesh R.., Verma, S. B., Agarwal, D., Baldocchi, D. Baru, C. K., Baruah, K. K., Chowdhury, G. R., Dadhwal, V. K., Dutt, C. B. S. Fuentes, J., Gupta, P.K., Hargrove, W. W., Howard, M., Jha, C. S. Lal, S., Michener, W. K., Mitra, A. P. Morris, J. T., Myneni, R. R.,. Naja, M., Nemani, R. Purvaja, R., Raha, S., SanthanaVanan, S. K., Sharma, M., Subramaniam, A., Sukumar, R. Twilley, R. R. and P. R. Zimmerman (2007). Science 316 (5822), 204 – 205. [Impact Factor: 31.027]. | 2007 |
Case studies on interlinked coastal and river basin management for Krishna River Basin: Ramesh R. and Purvaja, R. (2006) UNEP Case Book, UNEP-GPA 2006: 41-43. | 2007 |
Greenhouse gas emissions from municipal solid waste management in Indian megacities: A case study of Chennai landfill sites. Arvind K Jha., C.Sharma, Nahar Singh, Ramesh, R.,Purvaja, R., Gupta, P.K. (2007) Chemosphere, Chemosphere 2007 10.024. [Impact Factor: 3.137]. | 2007 |
Tidal dynamics and rainfall control N2O and CH4 emissions from a pristine mangrove creek. Barnes, J., Ramesh, R.,Purvaja, R., NirmalRajkumar, A., Senthil Kumar, B., Krithika, K., Ravichandran, K., Uher, G. and R. Upstill- Goddard (2006) Journal of Geophysical Research Letters Vol 33, L15405 d.o.i. 10.1029/2006GL026829. [Impact Factor: 3.982]. | 2006 |
Spatial and temporal distribution of methane in an extensive shallow estuary, South India. Shalini, A., Ramesh, R., Purvaja, R. and Barnes, J., (2006) Journal of Earth System Science, Vol. 115 (4) 451-460. [Impact Factor: 0.695]. | 2006 |
Nutrient fluxes from coastal ecosystems of Tamil Nadu, India to the Bay of Bengal. Ramesh R. and Purvaja R. (2005). SCOPE Publication 2005. | 2005 |
Distribution of PCBs, HCHs and DDTs, and their ecotoxicological implications in Bay of Bengal, India. BabuRajendran, R., T. Imagawa, H. Tao and R. Ramesh. (2005). Environment International. Vol. 31(4):503-512. [Impact Factor: 6.248] | 2005 |
Plant-mediated methane emission from Indian mangroves. Purvaja, R., Ramesh, R. and Frenzel, P. (2004) Global Change Biology 10, 1825-1834. [Impact Factor: 6.91] | 2004 |
Climate change and coastal ecosystems: An overview. Ramesh, R. and Purvaja, R. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 2006, 1(1-2) 29-40. [Impact Factor: 3.730]. | 2004 |
Nutrient fluxes from coastal ecosystems of Tamil Nadu, India to the Bay of Bengal. Collection of Marine Science Works XII iplementary Issue. Ramesh R. and Purvaja R. (2002). SCOPE Volume on Land Ocean Nutrient Fluxes: The Silica Cycle, 143-166. | 2002 |
Historical pollution trends in coastal environments of India. Ramesh, R., Purvaja R., Ramesh, S. and James, R.A. (2002). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2002, 79 (2): 151-176. [Impact Factor: 1.592]. | 2002 |
Methane emissions from a coastal lagoon: Vembanad Lake, West Coast, India. Verma, A., Subramanian, V. and Ramesh, R. Chemosphere 2002, 47: 883-889. [Impact Factor: 3.137]. | 2002 |
Distribution of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in soil and beach sand samples of Kalpakkam (India) using hyper pure germanium (HPGe) gamma ray spectrometry, Kannan, V. Rajan, M.P. Iyengar, M.A.R. and Ramesh, R (2002) Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 57: 109-119. [Impact Factor: 1.179]. | 2002 |
Dose estimates to the public from 210Po ingestion via dietary sources at Kalpakkam (India) Kannan, V. Iyengar, M.A.R. and Ramesh R. (2001) Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 54: 663-674. [Impact Factor: 1.179]. | 2001 |
Determination of butyl-, phenyl-, octyl- and tributylmonomethyltin compounds in a marine environment (Bay of Bengal, India) using gas chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Babu Rajendran, R., Tao, H., Miyazaki, A., Ramesh R..and Ramachandran, S. J. Environ. Monitoring, 2001, 627-634. [Impact Factor: 2.085]. | 2001 |
Effects of land use change on groundwater quality in a coastal habitat of South India, Ramesh R. (2001) Hydrological Sciences.Vol:8. 161-166. [Impact Factor: 1.114]. | 2001 |
Natural and anthropogenic methane emission from coastal wetlands of South India. Purvaja R. and Ramesh R. Environmental Management 2001, 27, 547 – 557. [Impact Factor: 1.647]. | 2001 |
Human Impacts on methane emission from mangrove ecosystems in India. Purvaja R., and Ramesh, R (2000) Regional Environmental Change, 1(2): 86-97. [Impact Factor: 1.945] | 2000 |
Distribution of rare earth and heavy metals in the surficial sediments of the Himalayan river system. Ramesh R, AL. Ramanathan, S. Ramesh, R. Purvaja and V. Subramanian (2000) Geochemical Journal 34, 295 – 319. [Impact Factor: 1.08] | 2000 |
Natural and anthropogenic effects on phytoplankton primary productivity in mangroves. Purvaja R. and Ramesh R. (2000) Chemistry and Ecology, 17: 41-58. [Impact Factor:1.069]. | 2000 |
A revised nitrogen budget for the Arabian Sea. Bange, H.W., Rixen, T., Johansen, A.M., Seifert, R.L., Ramesh, R.,Ittekkot, V., Hoffmann, M.R. and Andreae, M.O. (2000) Global Biogeochemical Cycles 14 (4) 1283 – 1297. [Impact Factor:4.682]. | 2000 |
Pesticide residues in air from coastal environment, South India. BabuRajendran, R., Venugopalan, V.K. and Ramesh, R. (1999) Chemosphere, 39 (10) 1699-1706. [Impact Factor:3.137]. | 1999 |
Daytime variation in methane emission from two tropical urban wetlands in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Verma, A., Subramanian, V. and Ramesh, R. (1999) Current Science, 76: 1020-1022. [Impact Factor:1.026]. | 1999 |
Methane and climate variability: Emission studies from coastal wetlands of India. Ramesh, R. and Purvaja, R. (1999). SCOPE. Vol. 82, 39-53. | 1999 |
Environmental geochemistry of the Pichavaram mangrove ecosystem (tropical), southeast coast of India. Ramanathan AL., Subramanian,V., Ramesh, R., Chidambaram, S., and James, A. (1998) Environmental Geology Vol. 37: pp 223-233. [Impact Factor:1.026]. | 1999 |
Groundwater quality management: Pollution perspectives. Ramesh. R (1999) Hydrological Sciences Vol. 252: 31-42. [Impact Factor:1.114]. | 1999 |
Rare earth elements and heavy metal distribution in estuarine sediments of east coast of India. Ramesh R.,Ramanathan. Al., Arthur James, R, Subramanian,V., Jacobsen, S.B., and Holland , H.D. (1999) . Hydrobiologia Vol. 397: 89-99. [Impact Factor:1.985]. | 1999 |
Seasonal study of methane and nitrous oxide in the coastal waters of the southern Baltic Sea. Bange H., Dahlke S., Ramesh R., Meyer-Reil L.-A., Rapsomanikis S., and Andreae M.O. (1998) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science Vol. 47: pp 807-817. [Impact Factor:2.324]. | 1998 |
Methane in surface waters of the Arabian Sea. Bange H., Ramesh R., Rapsomanikis S., and Andreae M.O. (1998) J. Geophysical Research Letters Vol. 25: pp. 3547-3550. [Impact Factor:3.982]. | 1998 |
Anthropogenic forcing on methane efflux from polluted wetlands (Adyar River) of Madras city, India. Ramesh R., Purvaja G.R., Parashar D.C. and Mitra A. P. (1997). AMBIO A Journal of the Human Environment. Vol. 26: pp. 369-374. [Impact Factor:2.295]. | 1997 |
Silica, Iron and Aluminum mobilization and transport from Post-glacial sediments of the St. Lawrence Lowlands – An experimental study. Ramesh R and B’dAnglejan (1997) Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 13 pp 1111 – 1118. [Impact Factor: 0.496]. | 1997 |
Concentration and nature of amorphous material in post-glacial sediments of the St. Lawrence Lowlands. Ramesh R and B d’Anglejan (1997) NeuesJahrbuchfuerGeologie und Palaeontologie Vol. H.10: 605-629. [Impact Factor: 0.923] | 1997 |
Coastal aquaculture site selection and planning in Tamil Nadu using Remote Sensing and GIS. Ramesh R and R. Rajkumar (1997) Asian-Pacific Remote Sensing and GIS Journal Vol. 9 (1): 39-49. | 1997 |
Remote sensing of suspended sediments along the Tamil Nadu coastal waters. Chauhan P., Nayak S., Ramesh R.,Krishnamoorthy R. and Ramachandran S. (1996) Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. Vol. 24 (2) pp. 105-114. [Impact Factor: 0.344]. | 1996 |
The problem of ground water pollution: A case study from Madras city, India. Ramesh R., Purvaja G.R. and Ika R.V. (1995) Hydrological Sciences, Vol. 230 pp. 147-157. [Impact Factor: 1.114]. | 1995 |
Carbon and phosphorus transport by the major Indian rivers. Ramesh R.,Purvaja G.R. and Subramanian V. (1995) Journal of Biogeography, Vol. 22, pp 2047-2053. [Impact Factor: 4.863]. | 1995 |
Mineralogy, chemistry and particle size interrelationships in some post-glacial sediment of St. Lawrence Lowlands. Ramesh R and d’Anglejan B. (1995) Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 11 (2) pp. 221 – 233. [Impact Factor: 0.496] | 1995 |
Migration and contamination of major and minor elements in ground waters of Madras City, India. Ramesh R., Shiv Kumar K., Eswaramoorthi S. and Purvaja G.R. (1995) Environmental Geology, Vol. 25 (2) pp. 126 – 136. [Impact Factor: 3.14]. | 1995 |
Geochemical characteristics of the major tropical rivers of India. Ramesh R. and Subramanian V. (1993) Hydrological Sci., Vol. 21 pp. 157-164. [Impact Factor: 1.114]. | 1993 |
Textural characteristics of the Krishna river sediments, India. Ramesh R. and Subramanian V. (1992) Geo Journal, Vol. 28 (4) pp. 449-455. | 1992 |
Heavy metal distribution in the sediments of the Krishna river basin (India). Ramesh R., Subramanian V. and Van Grieken R. (1990). Environmental Geology and Water Sciences, Vol. 15 (3) pp. 207-216. | 1990 |
Metal-rich coatings on residual sand deposits in the St. Lawrence upper estuary. d’Anglejan B., Ramesh R. and Luccotte M. (1990) Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 97/ 98 pp. 395-406. [Impact Factor: 3.258]. | 1990 |
Chemical composition of St. Lawrence and its controlling factors. Ramesh R. (1989) Hydrological Sciences, Vol. 182, pp. 275-281. [Impact Factor: 1.114]. | 1989 |
The elemental chemistry of sediments in the Krishna River basin, India. Ramesh R., Subramanian V., Van Grieken R. and Van’tDack, L., (1989) Chemical Geology Vol.74 (3/4) pp. 331-341. [Impact Factor: 3.154]. | 1989 |
Nature of dissolved transport of Krishna River basin, India. Ramesh R. and Subramanian V. (1988) Journal of Hydrology Vol. 103, pp. 139-155. [Impact Factor: 2.964]. | 1989 |
Sediment and elemental accumulation rates in Krishna River basin, India. Ramesh R., Subramanian V. and Pillai K.C. (1988) Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 72, 221-226. [Impact Factor: 3.258]. | 1989 |
Temporal, spatial and size variation in the sediment transport in Krishna River basin, India. Ramesh R. and Subramanian V. (1988) Journal of Hydrology. Vol. 98, 53-65. [Impact Factor: 2.964]. | 1989 |
Environmental Geology of peninsular river basins of India. Subramanian V., Biksham G. and Ramesh R. (1987) Journal of Geological Society of India. Vol. 30. pp 393-401. [Impact Factor: 0.567] | 1987 |
Mineralogy, texture and chemical composition of brine sediments near Madras, East coast of India. Ramesh R. and Subramanian V. (1987) . Indian Journal of Marine Sciences. Vol. 16, pp. 90-93. [Impact Factor: 0.563]. | 1987 |
Some aspects of erosion and sediment transport in the Krishna River basin. Ramesh R. and Subramanian V. (1986) Journal of Geological Society of India. Memoir 5 pp 261-267. [Impact Factor: 0.567] | 1986 |
Mass transport in Krishna River basin, India. Ramesh R. and Subramanian V. (1986) Hydrological Sciences Vol. 159, pp. 185-197. [Impact Factor: 1.114] | 1986 |
Water-mineral equilibria in solar salt farm near Madras, East Coast of India. Ramesh R. and Subramanian V. (1985) Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, Vol. 14, 79-84. [Impact Factor: 0.563] | 1985 |
Chapters in Books
Year | No. | Chapters |
2019 | 41 | Ramesh R., Ahana Lakshmi., Swati M S., Subbareddy Bonthu., Mary Divya Suganya G., Ganguly D., Robin R S., Purvaja R. (2019). Integrated Management of the Ganges Delta, India. In Coasts and Estuaries. Coasts and Estuaries: The Future. Elsevier. Eds.Wolanski, E., Day, J.W., Elliot, M and Ramesh, R. pp. 187-209 |
40 | Day J W., Ramesh R., Giosan L., Syvitski J., and Kemp GP. (2019). Delta Winners and Losers in the Anthropocene. Coasts and Estuaries: The Future. Elsevier. Eds.Wolanski, E., Day, J.W., Elliot, M and Ramesh, R. pp. 283-299. | |
39 | Ramesh R., Banerjee K., Paneerselvam A., Raghuraman R., Purvaja R., and Lakshmi A. (2019). Importance of Seagrass Management for Effective Mitigation of Climate Change. Coastal Management:Global Challenges and Innovations, Krishnamurthy RR., Jonathan MP., Srinivasalu S. (eds). Elsevier. pp:283-299. | |
38 | Purvaja R., Yogeswari S., Debasis T., Hariharan G., Raghuraman R., Muruganandam R., and Ramesh R. (2019). Challenges and Opportunities in the Management of Coral Islands of Lakshadweep, India. Coasts and Estuaries,1st Edition; Eric Wolanski, John W. Day. Michael Elliott, Ramesh R (eds). Elsevier. pp:461-476. | |
37 | Ravinesh R., Biju Kumar A., and Deepak Samuel V. (2019). Status of marine molluscs in illegal wildlife trade in India. TRAFFIC POST – CITES (Invited article). Pp:34-39. | |
2018 | 36 | Purnima Jalihal., Purvaja R., Subba Reddy Bonthu., and Ramesh R. (2018). Renewable energy technologies for mitigating climate change. Climate Change and The Vulnerable Indian Coast. Edited by Ramesh R, Bhatt J.R. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi. Pp: 359-375. |
35 | Ramesh R., Bhatt J R., Ahana Lakshmi., and Purvaja R. (2018). Coastal governance in times of climate change. Climate Change and The Vulnerable Indian Coast. Edited by Ramesh R, Bhatt J.R. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi. Pp: 377-394. | |
34 | Purvaja R., Singh G., Gejo Anna Geevarghese., Ganguly D., Harikrishna Prasad M., Saha A., Arumugam K., and Ramesh R. (2018). Carbon sequestration in coastal ecosystems of India. Climate Change and The Vulnerable Indian Coast. Edited by Ramesh R, Bhatt J.R. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi. Pp: 329-346. | |
33 | Purvaja R., Paneerselvam A., Banerjee B., Sappal S M., and Ramesh R. (2018). Greenhouse gas emissions from blue carbon ecosystems. Climate Change and The Vulnerable Indian Coast. Edited by Ramesh R, Bhatt J.R. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi. Pp: 305-327. | |
32 | Ramesh R., Dharmaraj M., Varun Kumar G., Muruganandam R., Mary Divya Suganya G., Sathishkumar S., Badarees KO., Manik Mahapatra., Deepak Samuel V., and Purvaja R. (2018). Hazard line for the coast of India and its implications in coastal management. Climate Change and The Vulnerable Indian Coast. Edited by Ramesh R, Bhatt J.R. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi. Pp: 15-53. | |
31 | Deepak Samuel V., Purvaja R., Subbareddy Bonthu., Abhilash K R., Viswanathan C., Mary Divya S., Deepika B., Muruganandam R., Rajakumari S., and Ramesh R. (2018). Vulnerability of coastal ecosystems and habitats due to erosion. Climate Change and The Vulnerable Indian Coast. Edited by Ramesh R, Bhatt J.R. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi. Pp: 73-92. | |
2017 | 30 | Pasupalati, N., Nath, M., Sharan, A., Narayanan, P., Bhatta, R., Ramesh R and Purvaja R (2017). Economic Valuation of Wetland Ecosystem Goods and Services. In Wetland Science; Springer India, pp. 259-284. |
29 | Ramesh, R., Purvaja, R., Krishnan, P., AhanaLakshmi, Abhilash, K.R., Kingsley, P.W. 2017. Conservation of Coastal Wetlands – An Appraisal of the Policy and Legal Framework among South Asian Nations. Wetland Science: Perspectives from South Asia, Springer, pp. 515-544. | |
28 | Krishnan, P., Deepak Samuel, V., Sreeraj, C.R., Abhilash, K.R., Seshdev Patro, Sankar, R., Margi Purohit, Dharani, G., Purvaja, R. and Ramesh, R. 2017. Digital repositories for coastal wetland biodiversity in South Asia: A conceptual framework from India. Wetland Science: Perspectives from South Asia, Springer, pp. 51-65. | |
27 | Ramesh, R., Abhilash, K.R., Margi Purohit, Krishnan, P., Ahana Lakshmi, Purvaja, R., Kingsley, P.W. 2016. Involvement of Community in Managing Coastal Wetlands in South Asia: Status, Issues and Challenges. Wetland Science: Perspectives from South Asia, Springer, pp. 545-562. | |
2016 | 26 | Sridhar R, Yuvaraj E, Sachithanandam V, Mageswaran T, Purvaja R and Ramesh R (2016). Tourism Carrying Capacity for Beaches of South Andaman Island, India. Tourism – From Empirical Research Towards Practical App Climate Change and Potential cation. Pp-61. Edited by Leszek Butowski, ISBN 978-953-51-2281-4, DOI: 10.5772/62724 |
25 | Krishnan, P., Deepak Samuel, V., Sreeraj, C.R., Abhilash, K.R., Seshdev-Patro, Sankar, R., Margi Purohit, Dharani, G., Purvaja, R. and Ramesh, R. 2016. Digital repositories for coastal wetland biodiversity in South Asia: A conceptual framework from India. In: Prusty et al., (Eds), Wetland Science: Perspectives from South Asia, Springer. (Accepted). | |
24 | Shesdev Patro, Krishnan, P., Deepak Samuel, V., Purvaja, R., Ramesh, R. 2016. Seagrass and salt marsh ecosystems in South Asia – An overview of diversity, distribution, threats and conservation status. In: Prusty et al., (Eds), Wetland Science: Perspectives from South Asia, Springer. (Accepted). | |
2015 | 23 | Arthur James, R., Purvaja, R and Ramesh, R. (2015). Environmental Integrity of the Tamiraparani River Basin, South India. Environmental Management of River Basin Ecosystems: Springer International Publishing. 507-523. |
2014 | 22 | Ramesh R., Ahana Lakshmi, Annie George and R. Purvaja (2014). Building resilient coastal communities by enabling participatory action: Climate Change and the Coast: Building Resilient Communities. Eds. Robert Charles Kay, Ailbhe Travers, Michael Kelly, Bruce Glavovic. Published by Taylor & Francis. |
2012 | 21 | Ramesh, R., Purvaja. R. (2012). Climate Change and Potential Impacts in Tropical Asia. Coastal Environments: Focus on Asian Regions. pp 19-35 |
2011 | 20 | Ramesh R.., Purvaja, R., Senthil Vel, A., Ahana Lakshmi., Bhat, J.R. (2011) Coastal Regulation Zone Notification: A Review of the Chronology of Amendments. In: Coastal Environment. In: Towards conservation and management of mangrove ecosystems in India. Bhatt, J.R., Manintosh, D.J., Nayar, T.S., Pandey, C.N. and Nilaratna, P. (Ed.) IUCN India. 219-239. |
2010 | 19 | Ramesh R.., Purvaja, R. and Urban, B. (2010) Assessment of the Tsunami Affected Andaman Islands, India. In: The Indian Ocean Tsunami: The Global Response to a Natural Disaster. Karan, P.P. and Subbiah, S.P. (Eds.) The University Press of Kentucky, 352 pages. |
18 | Ramesh R., Senthilkumar, B. Jennifer Immaculate Divia and Purvaja, R. (2010). Influence of Terrestrial Inputs on Mangrove and Coral Reef: Primary Productivity of the Andaman Islands. In: Management and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zone Environments. Ramanathan, AL., Bhattacharya, P., Dittmar, T., Prasad, B., Nepunae, B. (Eds.) Springer Jointly published with Capital Publishing Company, 1st Edition., 2010, X, 230 p. ISBN: 978-90-481-3067-2 | |
2007 | 17 | Amrtha, K., Purvaja, R. and Ramesh R. (2007) Nitrogen cycling and fluxes in coastal ecosystems. In: Agricultural Nitrogen Use and Its Environmental Implications/ edited by Y.P. Abrol, N. Raghuram and M.S. Sachdev. New Delhi, I.K. International Publishing House, 2007, xviii, 552 p |
16 | Ramesh R.., Purvaja, R., Neetha, V., Divia, J., Barnes, and Upstill-Goddard, CO2 and CH4 emissions from Indian mangroves and its surrounding waters, In: Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Balances in Mangrove Coastal Ecosystems, Tateda, Y. (Ed.) 2007, pp.153-164. | |
15 | Upstill-Goddard, R.C., Barnes. J and Ramesh R., Are Mangroves a source or a sink for greenhouse gases? Greenhouse gas and carbon balances in mangrove coastal ecosystems. In: Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Balances in Mangrove Coastal Ecosystems, Tateda, Y. (Ed.) 2007, pp.127-138. | |
14 | Barnes, J., Purvaja, R., Ramesh R.., Uher, G. and Upstill-Goddard, R.C. Nitrous oxide fluxes in Indian mangroves; Tidal production mechanisms, fluxes and global significance, In: Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Balances in Mangrove Coastal Ecosystems, Tateda, Y. (Ed.) 2007, pp.139-151. | |
2006 | 13 | Ramesh R.., Nirmal Rajkumar, A and Purvaja, R (2006) Initial Assessment of the Tsunami Inundation and Sediment Characteristics in Chennai, South India. In: The Indian ocean Tsunami. Edited by Ramasamy, S.M. et al. 1–13 |
12 | Ramesh R. et al. (2006) Tsunami characterization and mapping in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In: 26th December 2004 Tsunami Causes, effects, remedial measures. A geoscientific perspective Rajamanickam, G.V., Subramanian, B.R., Baba, M., Ramesh, R., Elango, L and Prithviraj, M (2006) 150-174 | |
2003 | 11 | Ramesh R. (2003) Land use in coastal ecosystem and its implications on nutrient biogeochemistry. In: Coastal Urban Management. Ramesh R. and Ramachandran S. (Ed.) Published by Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi; 39-46. |
10 | Purvaja, R. and Ramesh R. (2003) Major Inorganic Constituents in Mangrove Ecosystems of South India. In: Coastal Urban Management. Ramesh R. and Ramachandran S. (Ed.) Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi; 121-144. | |
9 | Purvaja, R. and Ramesh R. (2003) Distribution of Trace Elements in Mangrove Ecosystems of South India. In: Coastal Urban Management. Ramesh R. and Ramachandran S. (Ed.) Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi; 145-174. | |
8 | Shalini, A. and Ramesh R. (2003) Trace Metal Distribution in Sediments of Vellar Estuary In: Coastal Urban Management. Ramesh R. and Ramachandran S. (Ed.) Published by Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi; 175-188. | |
7 | Ramesh R. (2003) Groundwater quality along the east coast of India. In: Recent Trends in Hydrogeochemistry. Ramanathan AL. and Ramesh R. (Ed.) Published by Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi; 139-146. | |
6 | Ramesh R. (2003) Effect of land use change on groundwater quality in a coastal habitat of South India. Ramanathan AL. and Ramesh R. (Ed.) Published by Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi; 147-152. | |
2001 | 5 | Ramesh R., Purvaja, R. and Ramachandran, S. (2001) Global climate change and the coastal environment: An Overview. In: Coastal Environment and Management. 291-308. Published by IOM, Anna University. |
1999 | 4 | Ramesh R. and Purvaja, R. (1999) Methane and climate variability: Emission studies from coastal wetlands of India. In: Environmental Biogeochemistry, V. Ittekkot and V. Subramanian (Ed.,) SCOPE Sonderband, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 39 – 54. |
3 | James, R.A., and Ramesh R. (1999) Organochlorine pesticides in water and sediments of the Tamiraparani river basin, South India. In: Environmental Biogeochemistry V. Ittekkot and V. Subramanian (Ed.,) SCOPE Sonderband, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 211 – 218 | |
2 | Ramesh R. and Ramachandran, S (1999) Coastal Zone Management: Issues and Initiatives in small South Asian Nations. In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management. W. Salomons, Turner, R.K., de Lacerda, L.D. and S. Ramachandran (Eds.), Springer Germany pp 235 – 254 | |
1 | Ramesh R. (1999) Impacts of land-use change on groundwater quality. In: Groundwater Management, R. Ramesh and S. Ramachandran (Ed.,) Oxford & IBH Publ. pp 44-55. |
Books Published
- Ramesh, R., and Bhatt, JR. (2019). Climate Change and the Vulnerable Indian Coast. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, ISBN N. 978-93-5346-195-9.
- Wolanski, E., Day J W., Elliot M., and Ramesh, R. (2019). Coasts and Estuaries: The Future. Elsevier Publications, ISBN No. 978-0-12-814003-1.
- Vivekanandan, E., Ramesh, R., and Thangaradjou T. (2018). Seagrass Ecosystems of India: Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management (Special Issue). Volume 159, Elsevier Publications.
- Manton, M., Yasunari, T., Ailikun, Mallee, H., Lasco, R. and Ramesh, R. (2015) Initial Strategic Research Plan for Future Earth in Asia. China Meteorological Press, 133pp.
- Ramesh, R., Purvaja, R., Lakshmi, A., Newton, A., Kremer, H.H. and Weichselgartner, J (2009) South Asia Basins: LOICZ Global Change Assessment and Synthesis of River-Catchment-Coastal Sea Interaction and Human Dimensions. LOICZ Research and Studies No. 32. GKSS Research Center, Geesthacht, 134pp.
- Rajamanickam, G.V., Subramanian, B.R., Baba, M., Ramesh, R., Elango, L and Prithviraj, M (2006). 26th December 2004 Tsunami Causes, effects, remedial measures. A geoscientific perspective. 236 pp
- Ramesh, R. and Ramachandran S. (2005). Freshwater Management. Published by Capital Publishing Company, ISBN- 13 9788185589329. New Delhi
- Ramesh, R. and Ramachandran S. (2003). Coastal Urban Management. Published by Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi; 232 pp.
- Ramanathan AL. and Ramesh, R. (2003). Recent Trends in Hydrogeochemistry. Published by Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi; 300 pp
- A Trainer’s Manual for Integrated Coastal Management Capacity Development (2003) Le Tissier, M.D.A, Ramesh, R, et al., Published by Department of International Development (DFID), New Delhi, U.K. 183 pp
- Ramesh, R. and Ramachandran. S. (1998). Groundwater Management. Published by Oxford IBH, New Delhi 170 pp
- Ramesh, R., Udayakumar K and Anandakrishnan M. (1997). Renewable Energy Technologies Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion and Other Sustainable Energy Options. Published by Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi 220 pp.
- Ramesh, R. and Anbu M. (1996). Chemical Methods for Environmental Analysis: Water and Sediment. Published by Macmillan India Limited, Madras. 161 pp
- Swaminathan M.S. and Ramesh, R. (1993). Sustainable Management of Coastal Ecosystems. 230 pp.
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