Dr. Robin R.S
Scientist – C
(+91) 44 2220 0600/ 2220 0900
- Ph.D Marine Biology and Oceanography, Annamalai University, CAS in Marine Biology (2012)
- M.Phil Marine Biology, Annamalai University, CAS in Marine Biology (2006)
- M.Sc Marine Biology and Oceanography, Annamalai University, CAS in Marine Biology (2001)
- Marine biogeochemistry
- Marine pollution
- Cumulative Environmental Impact assessment (CEIA)
- South Asian Nitrogen Hub Advisory Group (SANH Member)
Hariharan, G., Purvaja, R., Anandavelu, I., Robin, R.S., Ramesh, R., 2020. Accumulation and ecotoxicological risk of weathered polyethylene (wPE) microplastics on green mussel (Perna viridis). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208, p. 111765.
Robin, R.S., Karthik, R., Purvaja, R., Ganguly, D., Anandavelu, I., Mugilarasan, M., Ramesh, R., 2020. Holistic assessment of microplastics in various coastal environmental matrices, southwest coast of India. Science of the Total Environment, 703, p. 134947.
Anandavelu, I., Robin, R.S., Purvaja, R., Ganguly, D., Hariharan, G., Raghuraman, R., Prasad, M.H.K, Ramesh, R. 2020. Spatial heterogeneity of mesozooplankton along the tropical coastal waters. Continental Shelf Research, 206, p .104193
Jinoj, T.P.S., Bonthu, S.R., Robin, R.S., Babu, K.K., Purvaja, R., Ramesh, R., 2020. Nearshore sediment dynamics of Kavaratti Island, Lakshadweep archipelago using integrated modelling system, 49 (5), p. 845-857.
Karthik, R., Robin, R.S., Anandavelu, I., Purvaja, R., Singh, G., Mugilarasan, M., Jayalakshmi, T., Deepak Samuel, V., Ramesh, R., 2020. Diatom bloom in the Amba River, west coast of India: A nutrient-enriched tropical river-fed estuary. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 35, p.
Neethu, C. S., Saravanakumar, C., Purvaja, R., Robin, R.S., Ramesh, R., 2019. Oil-spill triggered shift in indigenous microbial structure and functional dynamics in different marine environmental matrices. Scientific reports, 9(1), p. 1-13.
Karthik, R., Robin, R.S., Purvaja, R., Ganguly, D., Anandavelu, I., Raghuraman, R., Hariharan G., Ramakrishna A., Ramesh, R., 2018. Microplastics along the beaches of southeast coast of India. Science of The Total Environment, 645, p. 1388-1399.
Kanuri, V. V., Muduli, P. R., Robin, R.S., Patra, S., Gupta, G. V. M., Rao, G. N., Raman A.V., Subramanian, B. R., 2018. Bioavailable dissolved organic matter and its spatio-temporal variation in a river dominated tropical brackish water Lagoon, India. Marine pollution bulletin, 131, p. 460-467.
Krishnan, P., Purvaja, R., Sreeraj, C. R., Raghuraman, R., Robin, R.S., Abhilash, K.R., Mahendra, R.S., Anand, A., Gopi, M., Mohanty, P.C. Venkataraman, K., Ramesh R., 2018. Differential bleaching patterns in corals of Palk Bay and the Gulf of Mannar. Current Science, 114(3),
p. 670-685. – Research Communication
Singh, K. S., Bonthu, S., Purvaja, R., Robin, R.S., Kannan, B. A. M., Ramesh, R., 2018. Prediction of heavy rainfall over Chennai Metropolitan City, Tamil Nadu, India: Impact of microphysical parameterization schemes. Atmospheric Research, 202, p. 219-234.
Purvaja, R., Robin, R.S., Ganguly, D., Hariharan, G., Singh, G., Raghuraman, R., Ramesh, R., 2018. Seagrass meadows as proxy for assessment of ecosystem health. Ocean & coastal management, 159, p. 34-45.
Patra, S., Ganguly, D., Tiwari, M., Kanuri, V., Muduli, P. R., Robin, R.S., Abhilash KR, Chandran Kumar B, Sidhesh Sathish Nagoji, Raman, A.V., Subramanian, B. R., 2017. Isotopic composition (C & N) of the suspended particles and N uptake by phytoplankton in a shallow tropical coastal lagoon. Chemistry and Ecology, 33(8), p. 708-724.
Marimuthu, N., Ramachandran, P., Robin, R.S., Tudu, D., Hariharan, G., Ramesh, R. 2016. Spatial variation in the health of coral reef communities of Palk Bay, southeast coast of India. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 19(4), p. 360-367.
Hariharan, G., Purvaja, R., Robin, R.S., Ramesh, R., 2016. Evaluation of the multiple biomarkers on identification of the vulnerable coastal pollution hotspots. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(22), p. 23281-23290.
Patra, S., Raman, A. V., Ganguly, D., Robin, R.S., Muduli, P. R., Kanuri, V., Abhilash KR, Chandran Kumar, B., Subramanian, B. R., 2016. Influence of suspended particulate matter on nutrient biogeochemistry of a tropical shallow lagoon, Chilika, India. Limnology, 17(3), p.
Robin, R.S., Kanuri, V. V., Muduli, P. R., Ganguly, D., Patra, S., Hariharan, G., Subramanian, B. R., 2016. CO2 saturation and trophic shift induced by microbial metabolic processes in a river-dominated ocean margin (tropical shallow lagoon, Chilika, India. Geomicrobiology
Journal, 33(6), p. 513-529.
Jyothibabu, R., Vinayachandran, P. N., Madhu, N. V., Robin, R.S., Karnan, C., Jagadeesan, L., Anjusha, A., 2015. Phytoplankton size structure in the southern Bay of Bengal modified by the Summer Monsoon Current and associated eddies: Implications on the vertical biogenic flux. Journal of Marine Systems, 143, p. 98-119.
Ganguly, D., Patra, S., Muduli, P. R., Vardhan, K. V., Abhilash, K. R., Robin, R.S., Subramanian, B. R., 2015. Influence of nutrient input on the trophic state of a tropical brackish water lagoon. Journal of Earth System Science, 124(5), p. 1005-1017.
Ramesh, R., Robin, R.S., Purvaja, R., 2015. An inventory on the phosphorus flux of major Indian rivers. Current Science, p. 1294-1299.- Special Issue
Robin, R.S., Kanuri, V. V., Muduli, P. R., Jaikumar, M., Karthikeyan, P., Suresh Kumar, C., Saravana Kumar, C., 2013. Influence of coastal and backwaters coupling on sustenance of high nutrients and organic production along the Southeast Arabian Sea. Marine Science, 3(3), p. 79-
Muduli, P. R., Kanuri, V. V., Robin, R.S., Kumar, B. C., Patra, S., Raman, A. V., Nageswara Rao G., Subramanian, B. R., 2013. Distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon and net ecosystem production in a tropical brackish water lagoon, India. Continental Shelf Research, 64, p. 75-
Ganguly, D., Robin, R.S., Vardhan, K. V., Muduli, P. R., Abhilash, K. R., Patra, S., Subramanian, B. R., 2013. Variable response of two tropical phytoplankton species at different salinity and nutrient condition. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 440, p. 244-249
Robin, R.S., Kanuri, V. V., Muduli, P. R., Mishra, R. K., Jaikumar, M., Karthikeyan, P., Suresh Kumar, C., Saravana Kumar, C. 2013.
Dinoflagellate bloom of Karenia mikimotoi along the southeast Arabian Sea, bordering western India. Journal of Ecosystems, 2013.
Kanuri, V. V., Muduli, P. R., Robin, R.S., Kumar, B. C., Lovaraju, A., Ganguly, D., Patra, S., G. Nageswara Rao, Raman, A. V., Subramanian, B. R., 2013. Plankton metabolic processes and its significance on dissolved organic carbon pool in a tropical brackish water lagoon. Continental
Shelf Research, 61, p. 52-61.
Robin, R.S., Muduli, P. R., Vardhan, K. V., Abhilash, K. R., Selvam, A. P., Kumar, B. C., Balasubramanian, T., 2012. Assessment of Hydro geochemical Characteristic in an Urbanized Estuary using Environmental Techniques. Geosci, 2(4), p. 81-92.
Nallathambi, T., Robin, R.S, K.Vishnu,Vardhan, Pradipta, R., Muduli, 2012. Characterization of Photoprotective Compounds in Marine Zooplankton of the Southwest Coast of India: An Ecological Perspective. Marine Science, 2 (2), p. 7-12.
Robin, R.S., Pradipta, R., Vishnu Vardhan, K., Nagarjuna, A., Nallathambi, T., Rajani, K. M., Balasubramanian, T., 2012. Planktonic communities and trophic interactions in the Kavaratti waters, Lakshadweep archipelago, India. International Journal of Ecosystem, 2(2), p. 18.
Robin, R.S., Vardhan, K. V., Muduli, P. R., Srinivasan, M., Balasubramanian, T., 2012. Preponderance of enteric pathogens along the coastal waters of Southern Kerala, Southwest coast of India. Marine Science, 2(1), p. 6-11.
Robin R.S, Pradipta, R. Muduli, Vishnu, Vardhan K, Ganguly, D, Abhilash K.R, Balasubramanian, T., 2012. Heavy metal contamination and risk assessment in the marine environment of Arabian Sea, along the southwest coast of India. Am. J. Chem, 2, p. 191-208.
Muduli, P. R., Kanuri, V. V., Robin, R.S., Kumar, B. C., Patra, S., Raman, A. V., G. Nageswara Rao & Subramanian, B. R., 2012. Spatio-temporal variation of CO2 emission from Chilika Lake, a tropical coastal lagoon, on the east coast of India. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 113, p.
Muduli, P. R., Vinithkumar, N. V., Begum, M., Robin, R.S., Vardhan, K. V., Venkatesan, R., & Kirubagaran, R., 2011. Spatial variation of hydrochemical characteristics in and around Port Blair Bay Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. World Applied Sciences Journal, 13(3), p. 564- 571.
Gupta, G. V. M., Sarma, V. V. S. S., Robin, R.S., Raman, A. V., Kumar, M. J., Rakesh, M., & Subramanian, B. R., 2008.Influence of net ecosystem metabolism in transferring riverine organic carbon to atmospheric CO2 in a tropical coastal lagoon (Chilika Lake, India. Biogeochemistry, 87(3), p. 265-285.
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