The Integrated Social Sciences and Economics Division (ISE) would conduct inter- and transdisciplinary research which takes account of coupled natural, social and economic systems.
ISE’s key focus is on community based approach to coastal vulnerability and coastal management. This division actively addresses the social-ecological dynamics in coastal systems, and the transitions towards an ecosystem approach and other means to address integrated coastal management. Methods include ecological and social field studies (inventories, interviews), meta-analysis, and theoretical development. The goal would be to reduce vulnerability of coastal populations, especially to natural hazards that are likely to be exacerbated by climate change and to ensure true participation of community in coastal management for sustained benefits. Research interests of ISE would include social aspects of coastal management, traditional knowledge, and regional and national level solutions for livelihood security and improved community level resilience against coastal hazards.
A few key examples of studies to be conducted by the ISE Division include:
- Socio-cultural profile of all traditional coastal communities
- Livelihoods Survey including development of coastal profile
- Survey and Mapping of fishing spaces
- Traditional Ecological Knowledge
- Customary and traditional institutions and Governance
- Assessment and valuation of coastal resources (living and non-living)
- Economic assessment of Ecosystems (Use and non-use values)
- Development of Co-management regimes
- Collect policy relevant economic indicator data on the economic value of the coastal and marine ecosystems
- Provide economic data and analysis to improve coastal and marine area management
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