/ Services / Laboratory Facilities

NCSCM laboratories are equipped with highly sophisticated equipment for specialized analyses. Several multi-disciplinary research studies are undertaken as part of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project and coastal ecosystem science for management. This state-of-the-art facility is used to further NCSCM research mandates and are open for use by researchers, students and for expanding the business plan of NCSCM.

Names of Laboratories

Environmental Radiochemistry Lab

Coastal Biomonitoring Facility

Coastal Hydrogeochemistry Facility

Marine Microbiology Lab

Persistent Organic Pollutant Research Lab

Climate Change Research Facility

Paleoclimate Reconstruction Lab

Beach Monitoring Lab

Marine Litter Research Lab

Advanced Imaging and Analytical Facility

Marine Plankton Imaging Lab

Coastal Tropical Ecology Lab

Air Quality Monitoring Lab

Marine Biotechnology Lab

Field Equipment

Numerical Modeling Lab

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