Marine Microbiology Lab

 / Services / Laboratory Facilities / Marine Microbiology Lab


The Marine Microbiology Lab is NABL accredited, offering a wide range of resources and support that assist scientists and researchers in monitoring coastal and marine microbiological testing and analysis. The facility is equipped with both classical and ‘state of art’ microbiology facilities for microbial identification and characterization. Dedicated facilities are provided for media preparation, chemical storage, Sterilization, Inoculation, Incubation, workstations for molecular analysis, and culture storage (-20°C). This national facility provides a unidirectional flow of work to facilitate a contamination-free environment from work station to storage

Analytical Capabilities:
  • Analysis of microbial water quality: Indicators and pathogens
  • Identification of bacteria
    • classical- Microscopy and physiological analysis by biochemical assay kits
    • Molecular-PCR and RT-PCR based identification of microbes and genes
    • Total microbial community analysis – Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)
  • Protein profiling: Total and targeted protein profiling by SDS-PAGE
  • Photometric, fluorometric, and luminometric analysis of water and biological samples in microgram quantities


  • Marine Microbial Ecology
  • Beach water microbiology
  • Microbial functional dynamics


Technical Manager

Dr. Abhilash, K.R.

Dr. Dipnarayan Ganguly


Agarose-Gel Electrophoresis Unit

Model: Hoofer-PS300-B
Sl.No: 30041819

Separation of DNA/RNA based on the molecular  weight and charge. Used in checking the quality  of DNA/RNA by determining the intensity of the  bands for molecular identification of prokaryotes/ eukaryotes.

Autoclave- Automatic

Model: Panasonic
Sl.No: MLS3781L

Used in sterilization/decontamination of culture media, microbial cultures, reagents, plasticware and glassware typically at 121°C (250°F), 15psi, for 15-20min.

Bacteriological Incubator

Model: Rays
Sl.No: 3677

Used for growing/enriching microbial cultures by incubating at specific temperatures ranging from 24-45˚C usually for 24-72 hrs.

Cooling Micro-centrifuge


Used for low temperature-high speed centrifugation procedures of molecular analysis  such as DNA/RNA/protein extraction, purification and separation.

Refrigerated centrifuge

Make: Eppendorf
Model: 5804 R

Laboratory equipment used for the separation of different matrices at controlled temperature.

Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoretic (DGGE)

Model: Cipher DTSK
Sl.No: 016556

Separation of DNA based on their melting domain and difference in GC (guanine-cytosine) content. Used in detecting the structure of microbial communities in various ecosystems like water, sediment, sewage etc.

Epifluorescent Microscope

Model: Leica DM2500
Sl.No: DFC450C

To enumerate and identify differentially fluorescing  dead and live microbial cultures/cells present in  environmental samples.

Gel Documentation System

Make: Gel-Doc-UVP
Model: GelDoc- It²® 310 Imager

Visualization and documentation of nucleic acid (DNA/RNA)  and protein suspended within polyacrylamide or agarose gels after gel electrophoresis.

Laminar Airflow Chamber

Make: Cleanair
Model: Flowfast v18P

Aseptic cabinet for safe handling of microbes and fluids aided by UV sterilization and HEPA filtration.


Make: Sonics
Model: VC5005

Used to disrupt the membranes of the cells/microbial cultures for extraction of compounds/nucleic acids by applying ultra sound (highfrequency energy).

Microbial Identification System

Make: Agilent
Model: 7820AGC system

Identification of microorganisms based on gas chromatographic (GC) analysis of extracted microbial fatty acid methyl esters.

Microplate reader

Make: Spetramax M2
Model: DE06397

Used to detect chemical, biological or physical reactions by measuring emitted light in terms of Absorbance, florescence or luminescence in samples/microbial cultures.

Nanodrop One

Make: Thermo Scientific

Model: Thermo scientific

Quantification of Nucleic acid (DNA/RNA/PCR amplicon) and protein based on the difference in absorbance of the molecules Q-1 at nanogram quantities.

Polymerase Chain Reactor (PCR)

Make: Applied biosystems
Model: Veriti 96 well thermal cycles

Used in amplification of DNA/RNA (to several thousand folds) for various purposes such as gene detection, identification by sequencing and cloning.


Make: Applied Biosystems

Model: Veriti 96-Well Thermal Cycler

Commonly used for gene expression profiling, RNA quantification, cDNA synthesis and analysis of mRNA transcripts.

SDS – Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE) unit

Make: Biorad Mini-protean
Model: Power Pac TM basic

To separate proteins with molecular masses between 5 and 250 KDa.

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