Paleoclimate Reconstruction Lab

 / Services / Laboratory Facilities / Paleoclimate Reconstruction Lab


Reconstruction of past climates with coastal/marine sediment cores and coral core and hard shells as a proxy is undertaken to interpret long-term climate patterns. The data from long sediment cores helps in understanding annual sediment, carbon and nitrogen accumulation patterns. The facility is dedicated to research pertaining to compositional properties of sediments which allows inferring their history, interpreting sedimentary archives and learning about the processes that have generated and transported the sediments.

Analytical Capabilities:
  • Sediment core, Coral core processing
  • Soil/sediment particle and grain size distribution
  • Soil/Sediment/Rock homogenization
  • Soil Moisture retention measurement
  • High temperature soil/sediment combustion
  • Loss on ignition


  • Soil / Sediment Quality
  • Pollution & Environmental Risk
  • Environmental Impact Assessment


Technical Manager

Dr. Kakolee Banerjee

Dr. Paneer Selvam A


EM Sieve Shaker

Make: Haver & Boecker
Model: EML 200

Analysis of particle size distribution of sands and sediments. Used for dry and wet sieving of bulk sediment samples up to 3 kgs.


Make: Lark
Model: Premium Classic Plus(4kg)

It removes water from samples to preserve perishable materials, to extend shelf life. It freezes the sample material matrix, then reduces the pressure and then allow the frozen water in the material to sublimate.

Magnetic Susceptibility Meter

Make: Bartington
Model: MS-3 MS2B

Field and laboratory instrument for measuring magnetic properties of rocks and sediment. Used for geological and soil surveys, palaeomagnetics and sedimentology.

Muffle Furnace

Make: Nabertherm
Model: LT5/12

For high temperature combustion (ashing) of environmental samples like soils, sediments and biota for performing further analyses.

Mill- Sediment Grinder

Make: IKA
Model: M20 Universal Mill

For homogenisation of soil and sediment samples collected from the environmental surveys

Sediment corer

Make: Eijkelkamp

For collection of marine and coastal sediment cores for studying the past geochemical records.

Planetary Ball Mill

Make: Fritsch
Model: Pulverisette 5

For homogenisation of rocks, soil and sediment samples collected from the environmental surveys.

Coral Driller

Make: Marathan
Model: MB150

Handheld driller for collection of sub samples from hard coral, clam shells. Samples are used for Paleoclimatic studies.

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