Holistic Conservation and Integrated Management Plan of Wetlands

 / Research / National / Holistic Wetland Conservation & Integrated Management

The Project

The project on “Holistic Conservation and Integrated Management of Wetlands” focuses on inventorying, creating a national database, advanced research capacity development on the wetlands of India. This would explicitly cater to the needs of Indian wetlands, addressing specific research needs and knowledge gaps that constrain the application of integrated approaches for conservation and wise use of the wetlands. By building partnership and networks with relevant national and international agencies, it would serve as a knowledge hub and enable exchange between wetland users, managers, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners. The project would assist the national and State/ UT Governments in the design and implementation of policy and regulatory frameworks, management planning, monitoring and targeted research specifically related to wetlands.

Healthy functioning of natural wetlands, improved human livelihoods and sustainable development


Support conservation and holistic management of wetlands to maintain wetland biodiversity and ecology, enhance human well-being by implementing integrated management of wetland ecosystems to enable their wise use.


  • Create a national database on Indian wetlands including transboundary- for information needs related to wetland management

  • Undertake cutting-edge research and development on key wetland challenges for management and maintaining wetland ecosystem health

  • Incorporate climate resilience as a core concept in the design and implementation of integrated management plans for wetlands
  • Evaluate and monitor the implementation of interventions for conservation, restoration, integrated management and wise use of wetlands

  • Develop modules and impart inter- and multi- disciplinary customized courses on various aspects of wetland management to enhance wetland managerial capacity

  • Advice the government and other stakeholders on policy and scientific matters related to wetlands

  • Create a Platform for Information Exchange between various wetland-stakeholders

  • Network with wetland managers within the South Asia region to promote South-South exchange of best practices and lessons learnt in wetland management (long term)

  • Promote traditional knowledge and local capacity in management and wise use of wetlands



  • Web portal, database and Inventory

  • Cutting-edge research 

  • Holistic Conservation, Restoration and Integrated Management



  • Capacity Building

  • –Training and Skill Development

  • Knowledge and Advisory Support



  • Partnership and Networking

  • Community Interfacing and Outreach

  • Information, Education and Communication


World Wetlands Day

Wetlands of India Portal