Preparation of Conservation Management Plan

Preparation of Conservation Management Plan

A Conservation Management Plan is a principal guiding document for the conservation and management of ecosystems of special concern. The Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) 2019 notification, issued under the Environment Protection Act, 1986 provides for delineating the ecologically sensitive areas under CRZ I and thus expand the areas under conservation. The CRZ Rules are crafted to create a balance between human development, recreation and conservation of the sensitive ecosystem that lies near the coast. These rules regulate the industrial activity near the coast for the conservation of ecosystems. It targets the management and conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems, development in coastal areas, eco-tourism, livelihood options and sustainable development of coastal communities etc.

NCSCM offers the following  conservation related services

  • Integrated Management Plans for Ecosystems (Mangroves, Corals and Coral Reefs, Sand Dunes, biologically active Mudflats, Seagrass beds) Protected Areas (National parks, marine parks, sanctuaries, reserve forests, wildlife habitats and Biosphere Reserves), Habitats (Turtle nesting grounds, Horse shoe crabs’ habitats, Nesting grounds of birds), Areas or structures of archaeological importance and heritage sites.

  • Integrated Management Plans for Critically Vulnerable Coastal Areas (CVCA).

  • Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMMP) for Ports and harbours

  • Comprehensive and Integrated plans for preservation and conservation of mangroves and associated flora and fauna along the ports and harbours

  • Long-term Monitoring Plan for Ecosystem-based Conservation Management of designated ecosystem including Protected areas