Mapping of Fishing Space : “Socio-Economic Impact of Coastal Land use/Land cover
Changes on Fisher’s Livelihood in India”
The Project
Fishing is the major source of livelihood for coastal community. Fisheries is human phenomenon essentially occupies a very important palace in the socio economic development of the coastal zone. As required for their profession, coastal fishermen habitats are close to the seashore, estuaries, and backwaters and they are most vulnerable to coastal hazards. To protect the life and livelihood of fishing communities, the CRZ 2011 & 2018 Notification has guided the coastal States and UTs to prepare local level plans in the fishing villages. The Notification emphasized “In the CRZ areas, the fishing villages, common properties of the fishermen communities, fishing jetties, ice plants, fish drying platforms or areas infrastructure facilities of fishing and local communities such as dispensaries, roads, schools, and the like, shall be indicated on the cadastral scale maps”. States and Union territories shall prepare detailed plans for long term housing needs of coastal fisher communities in view of expansion and other needs, provisions of basic services including sanitation, safety, and disaster preparedness”. Considering the CRZ 2011 Notification and other legal requirements, coastal fishing villages shall have a micro level decentralized plan for their sustainable development.
Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) scheme is developing model villages by applying strengthening of local democracy through strong and transparent gram panchayats and active gram sabhas and facilitating good governance. However, for the fishing village where the common property has been classified as CRZ areas special attention for the fishing villages are essentially required. Since the land use plan of the fishing village and abutting areas are specified under CZMP and CRZ, special knowledge on shoreline maps, hazard maps, sediment cell maps etc., shall be the essential condition for coastal fishing village planning exercise. Hence, the guidelines and resource manual on fishing villages has been prepared to serve as a supportive document to the fishermen and their community leaders those who will be involved in participatory planning and implementation. To support implementing CRZ Notification, and 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts, 1992 of Govt. of India, the project on Mapping of Fishing Space: “Socio-Economic Impact of Coastal Land use / Land cover Changes on Fisher’s Livelihood in India” was carried out by NCSCM. The project prepared methodologies for decentralised planning in fishing villages to enhance the livelihood capacity of fishing community.
Capacity development on micro level socio-economic planning for coastal and marine fishing villages to protect the life and livelihoods of coastal communities.
Key Findings
The local level planning exercise shall effectively address the sustainability, equity and to analyse the climate change mitigation capacity of the coastal fishing communities. The local level planning exercise identifies the issues of concern and defines the opportunities, strengths, threats and weaknesses of the fishing villages. It also provides practical actions that will result in an improved village and also opportunities for resource mobilisation for the fishing villages. The local level planning exercise shall identify the skill and capacity gap to overcome sustainability and equity issues. The local level planning exercise shall create awareness of new schemes and programmes implemented for alternative/additional employment opportunities for fishermen that cope with the fishing community progress addressing sustainable fishing and equity with participatory management of the fishing village resources. The outcome shall develop linkages of local level plans with sectoral, regional and State plans to improve the status of the life and livelihood capitals of the fishing community. The project also conducted case studies in fishing villages of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. Implementation and practice of the guideline was evaluated by an expert organisation School of Social Works, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore. The guideline is ready to prepare local level maps covering detailed plans for long term housing needs of coastal fisher communities in view of expansion and other needs, provisions of basic services including sanitation, safety, and disaster preparedness as guided in CRZ Notification.
Fig. 3: Steps for fishing village planning
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